A Year Gone By: Celebrating Life

Day by Day, consciously or unconsciously without fail the clock tick as our age's increase, do we keep up other aspect of our lives with our age? Is the most important question we ought to ask.


Today, I'm sharing pictures of a very dear friend who I met back in school Iremide (means "my joy has come").


A very jovial and fun personality with a truck load of troublesomeness, we met while I was undergoing my medicals in school, then from a one day chat we became very close friends.

Today we are celebrating her birthday, as to her age I don't know and it better I leave it that way, expect I want some spanking from her (and I think I heard somewhere where it was said "never ask a woman her age") but anyways it doesn't really matter.


All that matter's is the love, joy and friendship bond we have.

Once Again a Happy Birthday to You Iremide



Happy birthday to your friend

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You are really welcomed

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I think I heard somewhere where it was said "never ask a woman her age"

A man, his salary, a student his/her percentage, the Chinese government, the actual number of people infected with Coronavirus in China, and the WHO to consider Taiwanese membership. 😂😂😂

Lol.....Just never ask those

Happy Birthday to your friend Iremide. I recently turned age 50 June 9. I feel very blessed.

Thanks very much....wow 50...You've had quite a bit of this life and you would live to fulfill the rest