Iceplant Photo Parade And Reality In The Neighborhood

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

10 days ago I had a post, in which I showed you my iceplant, or iceflower as we call it. You can check the photos, here. Those were still in the bud phase and I said two weeks are needed for them to open.

I've been away for the weekend and today when I returned home, I saw the flowers are open, so I didn't want to miss the occasion as I don't know for how long the flowers can last. I have these flowers for years and shame on me, I know very little about them.


This is how the flower looks like when it is open. It's not an usual flower, with nice and textured petals and here the petals are extremely tiny, imagine 3mm long petals. Yes, I forgot to mention, these are macro photos.


On this photo there are unopened buds, half opened buds and fully opened flowers.


A new discovery I made today is that those red bubbles are turning yellow or green in time. I had no idea about this till today. This is how inattentive I am and as I said, I have this flower for years.


This photo is better, you can see the details better here.







Reality In The Neighborhood

It's very difficult for me right now to write about flowers, but I've tried. It's the time to show you this beauty as it's not a usual flower and I bet a lot of you have never seen such a flower.

After coming home today I wanted to check the news as this weekend was a family event and was no time for news. What I saw made me worry. Looks like things in Ukraine is getting worse. Kyiv is attacked again and so are other parts of the country. It's been 8 months already and this madness doesn't seem to end. Looks like Russia has adopted a new strategy. I contacted @zirochka, to see how she is as I was worried about her.

Winter is coming and it's going to be tough for everyone, one way or another. Those living in the war zone will have to endure not only the danger, but the cold too. Others living outside the war zone are going to face economical difficulties as prices are surging.

Going shopping and seeing the prices is a wake up call every day. No one can see the future, but I am suspecting this is just the beginning. The financial crisis that is coming will last for years, maybe decades, so having a strategy and trying to avoid bankruptcy is most likely the smartest idea.

Last night I was dead tired and yet I tried to curate as I do every single day. While browsing through the posts, I saw one that was full of complaints. The poster is a well known complainer, who most likely feels good when they can complain. My first reaction was something like: "Dear God, this person has nothing better to do than to complain all day, every day." I know how difficult is to deal with a person like that as it brings a lot of negativity in everyone's life. Unfortunately there are many who are like that, complaining all the time and only feel better when people feel sorry for them. I'm not one of them, you're not gonna see me complaining day in, day out, however, today I felt like saying something.

My plan is to stay positive and use my knowledge to preserve my capital, as well as help others in need. It's not an easy job, but who said life is easy?

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I'm glad I have no idea who's the complainer you talking about ) But first what came to my mind when I read it was a saying of our Jews that live in Odesa. Its meaning can be translated as "I wish you to live just as you complain that you live" 🙂

In the end, everything is relative. As for me, that person can be happy who knows what appreciation is.

Thank you for the mention!


P.S. The flower is beautiful indeed! And seems it missed you ;)

"I wish you to live just as you complain that you live"

I love it and it is a good one. Many are complaining when they should shut up and appreciate what they have.

Yes, indeed the flower was waiting for me to return home :)


who said life is easy?

Life is life Erika to live it, we humans are what make it difficult or easy depending on the perspective, beliefs, ideologies, and religion are so many aspects that the human when he has power and this power is cruel downloads all his fury against the most vulnerable, is like the domino effect pieces fall, and fall and the more you see his cruelty more power wants and more damage does.

Ukraine is so pitiful war where only a group of the elite benefit and all human connection with reality is lost, historically it has been like that. Every escalation of the war is separating more and more families, children are leaving a very bitter and sad mark in their hearts.

I don't remember the name of these flowers, I think they are a family of the Ixoras. It would be necessary to see if they are edible because when my grandmother lived in her house there were of this type very small, and she used them to decorate salads, I remember that I got to taste them. I am not sure but I will investigate and let you know.

You are right, we are making life difficult. As about the war in Ukraine, it's terrible and I hope it's going to end soon.

I don't think this flower is edible, or at least i doubt it. Maybe what you remember was something else.

I don't think this flower is edible, or at least I doubt it. Maybe what you remember is something else.

I passed the photo of the flower to one of my sisters who have many different flowers in her garden and knows a lot about it, I hope she answers me to know if it is the one I remember as a child, Erika.

Yes I read your previous post and even made a comment but I guess you didn't see it lol.

The flowers are really different from the flowers I normally see. I'm going to research more about these flowers and if I can I'll buy one for my girlfriend, she loves this kind of stuff.

As for the people complaining, there really is no solution for them in this world. They will never stop complaining forever. We should stay away from them as much as possible and stay positive. Because negativity doesn't help anyone.

I hope you can find it in Turkey as well. I wish I could send you one :)

Because negativity doesn't help anyone.

I tend to agree with you on that. And the person I was talking about is going to complain forever, I can see that.

Yes I read your previous post and even made a comment but I guess you didn't see it lol.

Which one are you referring to? 😟

The plant has such lovely tiny flowers. that brings a bit of spring with it. We had a plant I even do not know hte name of it, our neighbours gave us as a gift, it had a flower, after that nothing for many years, but once last year it had another flower in the miffle of winter. For us it was very exciting thing. Unfortunately we do not have it anymore as it just decided to dry up and died. Maybe there is also an certain age for some plants, who knows.

Sorry to hear about your flower. And you're right, there's a certain age for every plant. Also a lot of things matter, like light for example. Who knows what was the problem.

Your plan is good and avoid negativity at all costs. Yes, we are going through a hard time with prices escalating all over and the world is currently in a desperation stage. And yes, things are going to get much worse. But for a time and then it will be straightened out again. History of the lean years have many examples of what I am saying and we all just have to endure somehow.

I wonder if those Ice Plants are available in South Africa, as it is certainly a treasure. I will have to ask Mrs. Google.

Here's a !PIZZA that I hope I can get a smile for!

I wonder if those Ice Plants are available in South Africa, as it is certainly a treasure. I will have to ask Mrs. Google.

Let me know what you find but I doubt it's suitable for the climate. The plant turns pink once autumn settles in, I mean the leaves and then the flower opens. This is why it is called iceplant. However, who knows, maybe you can find it in SA as well :)

Sorry for the late reply and no, we don't have them here.

Ahhh life is not easy indeed and complaining won't do us any good. So it would be better if we try to figure out how to make things work.

I agree, that's the only way forward.

This is my first time of seeing this iceflower and it's really beautiful and captivating.. thanks for telling me about them I've learned one thing or the other.

I'm glad you like it.

Thanks once again 💕.

this is really a beautiful flower and very good photography i am very happy to see it. thanks for the great show 👍

Thanks for the nice words.

about negative people, the best we can do is keep those people away because they only attract more negativity

If you think positive, if you think of a way to improve, if you think of a way to change your situation for the better, then that is what you will attract to your life.

stay positive!

I am avoiding negative people as I have no intention to support their negativity. If I don't like my life, then I change it, rather than complain about it.

yeah exactly that !! and that the mind is powerfull, focusing only in negativity will only lead to bad things

What a beautiful flower, I originally thought it was a dragon fruit, it turned out not to be😅

Nope, dragon fruit is not growing here, unfortunately.

Yes, it's the same with the wine you shared yesterday, after finding out they didn't live here, it's too hot😅

That flower is so beautiful, you’re so right I’ve never seen such flower in my life.
Also about your thoughts on people who have negative thoughts and hate everything about their life’s, that’s not a right mindset for anyone, no-one likes to talk to such person who just complains about everything in their life.

Listening to someone always complaining is depressing and no one wants negativity. These people usually are marginalized as no one has extra and endless energy to waste on them.

I'm glad you like the flower :)

Never seen this flowers before in my country.
Beautiful flower.Eye pleasing 😍

It is indeed. And it may not be common in your country.

Aprecating Beautiful Pictures of beautiful flowers 🌹🌹

Thank you.


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Pink and cute.

Indeed, you are right.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

It is indeed elegant and exquisite, not like any other flowers.