My Last Autumn Photo Shoot

in Photography Lovers3 years ago

I was hoping to get more photos before the rainy season starts, but it looks like nature had other plans. However, I was able to take a few shots last week and today I'd like to show you the beauties I came across of.


I was looking for colorful leaves, as always, but it's not so easy.


Thank God, nature is funny that way and not all the trees lose their leaves in the same time, so there's still chance to fins hidden jams, like this.


Imagine my joy when I spotted this silver car, with these colorful leaves all over it.


Now that I know which trees or running plants are this beautiful during autumn, I need to learn as much about these trees as possible.


It's interesting how we pass by these trees every single day and don't know what it is.

Ever since I started posting nature photos on Hive, I'm constantly searching for what I'm posting about and also try to remember the places where these beauties can be located.


The other detail I'm trying to keep in mind is the approximate time of blossoming. It may look funny, but one week or even a few days can cause you missing the event.

Fruit blossoms for example are very sensitive. Last year I remember I wanted to photograph the wild cherry blossom, went by a couple of times to check on its status and learned in a couple of days it'll be ready. Then a big storm came overnight and threw all the petals on the ground. Needles to say there was nothing to photograph after the storm.



One of the things I love when I'm doing nature photo shoots is when I see nature taking over and covering what men have built. This is one of the examples and a very good one. This running plant has no limits, it's capable of covering everything without shame.

This is a small wooden house at a beach, that most likely was built abusively many years ago and now it is abandoned. I love how it is covered with this running plant, especially now that it is all turning red, then yellow and brown. It's a miracle actually. It can also keep cool during the summer.


Look at those colors, I can't even counts how many shades are there.


It's like a colorful carpet, I would accept one gladly in my room.


I knew a place where a good few meters of fence is covered with this Parthenocissus quinquefolia, or commonly known as five-leaved ivy.


I was there on Monday as I had some business next door and I was hoping to get some photos as I knew how beautiful it can be.


When I got there I saw I was at least two weeks late. 80% of the leaves were already on the ground and the remaining 20% was so dry and colorless that there was nothing to photograph.


It is interesting thought that the same ivy in other part of the city is still beautiful and very much alive.



The plant covered the building and still even make it look more beautiful and attractive than the normal building itself

That's what I love about nature taking over.

Really nice

Golden autumn is around your corner :)
We don't have it as intense around my region but I do remember its unique colours while touring Switzerland Austria and Germany around this time of the year several years ago on my motorcycle.

We have it here and it's one of the most beautiful season. Perfect for photographers.

very beautiful leaves I really want to take photos of leaves like that but in my place there are no leaves like that.

These trees are not growing everywhere, there have to be certain conditions. However I bet you have trees, flowers we don't have.

Yes, it's true that all countries have different plants.

Very colourful and attracting leaves.
Keep it up.
Am new here, working on my introductory post

Thank you and good luck!

Some awesome snaps you got! The house covered was my favorite for sure. The car was interesting as well but it’s awesome when we see nature taking over things that were built by man. Given a few decades and so many things would be back to earth!

I love undisturbed nature as well. However that house is going to be demolished I think as I've heard there are a lot built abusively. But so far it's nice as it is.

Great colors! I love these photographs! We do not have such leaves where I live..

Thank you! I bet you have others, most likely palms.