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RE: 400 Years

in Photography Lovers3 months ago

We're lucky to have had free education and I bet those countries where education is not free, would love to be in this position.

Maybe later we'll be putting computers under glass ^^

I went to an exhibition last year, which had the title of Technology Yesterday, or something like that, exhibition old computers, typewriters, calculators and so on. It was quite shocking. I can drop you the links to those posts if you like.

We underestimate all these developments, which are nonetheless part of our heritage.

That is very true and I see my old phones and cameras when I clean my drawers and thin of how much technology evolved and life in general. I'm planning to donate them to a museum 🙂


That is very true and I see my old phones and cameras when I clean my drawers and thin of how much technology evolved and life in general. I'm planning to donate them to a museum 🙂

I think that in a few years' time, many museums will want them. I know that somewhere in my grandparents' house there's an old DynaTac 8000. I also know it's very, very expensive now.

But apart from being expensive, it seems to me that it's in a few museums.