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RE: Funny Museum Visit

in Photography Lovers3 months ago

The skeleton and the bones have been found in my country, so that's why the museum has them. Otherwise the other option is to buy, but first of all, I don't know who would sell such a valuable find. Secondly, it would cost a fortune. I see you're from Venezuela and I doubt the country would focus on buying such old findings. So your only option is to look for a museum abroad. I hope you can fund one.


I was born in Venezuela but now I am in Chile and in the city where I am which is Antofagasta the museums are of the railroad and silver mining apart this was a desert so I doubt very much that I can find a dinosaur fossil in any museum 😔

I see. Well, look at the bright side. You have something we don't have here :) Also, never give up as the opportunity will come one day :)