
It is a paradisiacal place and I promised to return. I hope the weather improves there. We don't know what winter is here anymore.


Trust me, we're on the way of forgetting what winter is too. Most of the times it feels like a cold spring, except for maybe 2 weeks 😞

That's why I mentioned winter, because that cold spring of yours would be our cruellest winter, perhaps.
Here I haven't even got my coats out this year.

My cold spring your cruelest winter? 😂😂😂 I can imagine you shivering 😆

Brrrr! 🥶

Oh come on, -20°C is not that cold 😂

😅😁 I am not joking.

Erikah, Google says it's 4 degrees there now. I have to get out an Eskimo coat at that temperature.
