View from up

Having a view from up is perfect 🤠
Has you get to see everything, all the things you picture.
Everything comes out plain and clear.
You got a perfect view from up.

Here is a shoot of my local itam market.
Itam market is know to be the biggest of all the markets where a lots of people meet for trading (buying and selling of goods and services).
I'm not a type of going to the market, I went there once in a while due to its large populations.

Luckily for me, today isn't itam market
I went to the market to get some food stuff. I decided to use flyover since there was hold up due to some reasons .
On the fly over I discovered the view up there is amazing and cool 😎
I watch for a while and decide to take a picture of it.




See how beautiful it is 😃
The view is amazing from up here 😊

Thanks all 💗

@etinews ❤️ you all

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