1 year ago things started to shut down around here, Utah had just had their first reported case, and chaos was swirling around our nation and our world! Little did we know that there we gonna be many "lasts" to last us for a while. Wes and I talked about when the last time we had gone to a movie was, or even what the last movie was we saw...we had no recollection of what we had seen last :(


We decided going to a movie was in order, and we knew just the one to watch. As I stood in line for our MOVIE THEATRE popcorn and soda, I felt like a child exploring every nook and cranny of this giant building. The lights, the sounds, the smells...everything was glorious! A little girl kept watching me as I snapped pictures of this moment, but truly I had no idea how much I had missed this little piece of "normal" life.


The halls were much more empty than normal, everyone in masks and people keeping their distance. There was one single employee running the concession stand, in fact, the only employee we saw. It made me think how many people have lost their jobs in this pandemic. Teens trying to learn how to manage work, bills, and life. Parents trying to give their kids the best life they can offer, grandparents trying to make ends meet because their money can only be stretched so far...all gone and it hurts my heart.


As we waited for the movie to begin, we dove into this luxurious bucket of popcorn, hot, fresh, and sooo delicious bucket of popcorn....Again, I was analyzing all the things i've taken for granted. Dates with my man, fresh friggin bucket of popcorn, giant sodas (we like them huge around here in the US) and everything in between. With a huge grateful heart, I sat there.


We watched Disney's "Raya and the Last Dragon"

The story line behind this was uncannily familiar, gut wrenchingly straightforward and if you are paying attention...you'll understand what I mean. A world torn apart from greed and selfishness, a young girl looking to find peace in what seems to be an impossible feat. It's beautifully orchestrated and keeps you very engaged the whole time.

As I write this, my heart hurts...because I know this is reaching to every inch of the world to anyone with the capability of having a computer and internet. The sadness grows, as I know each person reading this has been affected in one way or another by COVID19, this pandemic has changed the way we run on a daily basis...doesn't matter where you live or what you are doing. You've maybe lost someone, had this bloody virus yourself, watched family suffer from losing jobs, food, money, drowning in medical bills...whatever it is...it's touching EVERYONES lives. It hurts me to the core.

Many of you know our family (besides my man DV) had COVID in January, it was not fun to go through...that's for sure. The worst part came when our daughter couldn't recover and ended up in the hospital, admitted for days with no answers to what this virus has done to her young body. We don't know the long term affects of this yet...and I pray it just turns to a bad memory of the past. I pray she can have babies one day, and that part of her long term healing isn't anything worse than what she has gone through already.

I digress.

I am so very grateful to be aware and enjoy the little things, there is so very much I took for granted in this life. If anything positive has come from this virus taking over our world, it's this...I see more love and light from others than ever before. I sure hope that our world can heal, that people can learn to trust one another a little bit more, and that maaaaybe.....just maybe humanity can turn into something beautiful in my lifetime <3


THANK YOU ALL FOR STICKING AROUND TO READ THIS POST <3 so so much love and light from me to you!!


The other day we had to make a quick run to the mall to get some stuff for the boys as they will be going to physical school next month
Something we'd do every other weekend before and now, it was like going to Disneyland haha
Didn't realise you were so close to Covid ... thank you for sharing even though you digressed :)

Am waiting for Godzilla vs KingKong to take the fam to the movies... since there are six of us... we'll see how it goes.

Covid is everywhere. Everybody has Covid.

So crazy how even the littlest everyday things we used to do feel like magic! Yay for physical school! I bet they are soooo excited!! We nearly lost our daughter :( it was very scary and I never want to see her like that again!! Oooohhh!! That’ll be amazing!

Such an awesome post. It was great to go out and spend some time in the "normal" world for a bit today.

Thank you! I got a bit wordy, ha ha. I guess it was more magical than I thought 😂 it was so great to get out!!

So wonderful to know that you and the family sailed through the tough seas of Covid battle!
As har from what my friends who unfortunately had a head on experience with the virus, your lungs are the ones that could be most affected (for a healthy person), the stamina will be greatly drained and it will in time be back as long you keep training your lungs and retune your body back to health.

Keeping you in thoughts and prayers
Greetings from the far away (still partially locked down) Malaysia

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Healthy people don't get sick.

Covid is definitely the worst virus I have ever had and ever seen my children have! Watching our daughter deteriorate in front of me was the most terrifying thing! Definitely don’t want it again!! My lungs are finally getting stronger and I don’t cough as much as I used to. And my smell is FINALLY all the way back! Ha! Big hugs and love to you ❤️

I still haven't gone but that's probably because I know nothing about the movies out right now

Ha ha ha!! Not much is out right now, hopefully more will be out soon!!!

Truly not much has been coming out! We had seen it reviews for this one on Disney+ and we’re gonna buy it to watch at home, but decided to head to the theater instead 🎉 I hope you’ll be able to find something you wanna see soon!!

I love watching movies. The last movie I saw in a theater was a movie called I Can Only Imagine. That was near Seattle. Before that, I saw something like Avengers. One of those movies in 2017 in Vietnam. I love popcorn. I was born in 1985 in Oregon. I grew up in in the 1990s and was going to the cinema all the time and loved it. I never wear a mask. Over 80% of the people who get Covid according to one study were deficient of essential vitamins. Hospitals got paid to say people got Covid when really they didn't.

La verdad que a veces distendirse un poco de la rutina hace mucho bien, saludos.

I miss that popcorn smell from the movie theaters. I pray that there is no long term affects from her hospital stay.

Ooooohhhh that’s the best! And us too!! She is doing so much better!! You’d never know she was out sick for 2 months!!

I am glad to hear that she is doing better.