One dog many flowers and sand, lots of sand!

in Photography Lovers8 months ago


When @traisto and myself moved to Crete, almost ten years ago, we got to know one of the most amazing flowers. Sand lilies have a beauty and a durability that is extremely rare. They grow on sand dunes around the Mediterranean sea which is impressive on its own and they survive and flourish on a very arid and hot environment. Their seeds can travel miles away, over the sea and make a new colony in remote places. Their only truly destructive enemy is, of course, humans. With their twisted view of ownership on the planet, they (or should I say we) destroy their natural environment and lead them to extinction.




The white sand lily (scient. Pancratium maritimum), also known as sea daffodil, amaryllis, lily of Knossos, beach saffron or beach crocus is a charming plant that overwhelms the dunes of Crete from August to October. Unfortunately, in recent years its population has been limited to a few beaches, due to the shrinking of its habitats. Thus, the lily is today protected by Greek and international legislation.







Marcos (the dog) wasn't allowed to run among the flowers but he came to see what is taking me so long and I am not on the beach to play with him :)

A few more shots and I am coming! Go now, go!





And now it's time for the beach!



This year though, we had many changes in our lives and among others, we spend a lot of months away from Crete. So I didn't have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of those miraculous plants and take some new pictures. The photographs of the post are taken in 2019 and are part of the ones that I haven't share before. The posts that I wrote back then are this one and that one while some pictures of Marcos were posted here. I tried to choose as different shots as possible from the ones I shared before but a resemblance is inevitable :)
You can follow the links if you want to see more captures from that day, as well as the difference in my editing style.


All the pictures and the words are mine.

Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

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After the bull market I'm buying myself a good camera again... I love your shots.

You should :)
Thank you very much!

Those are beautiful lillies. I thought they were smaller until I saw them in the photo with Marcos, they're actually quite large. I know of similar lillies that only come up after fire has burned away all the other vegetation above the soil.

Looks like it was fun for both of you, but for different reasons 😁

For completely different reasons indeed!
Thank you for stopping by @emma-h2 :)

What beautiful flowers, I have never seen flowers grow like that on the sand. Awesome!

Yes, they are magnificent :)
I am glad you like them, they are my favourite flowers!

Que hermosura de perro se ve que es muy feliz a tu lado y también que sorprendente es ver esos lirios emerger de la arena de la playa que magnífico es el mundo en el cual vivimos

Thank you for stopping by @albesalazar :)

I am glad you liked both the dog and the flowers!

Gorgeous. Beach crocuses, huh? Thanks for sharing this interesting fact!

Nature will definitely survive without human but humans cannot exist without nature the reason why we need to appreciate nature more and care for it.

Thanks for sharing.

You are totally right!

Thank you for stopping by :)