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RE: Don't make lemonade, just photos

They'll be lemony, and if they're not I'll know I picked fruit off the wrong tree. I'm thinking, if they taste orangey then I picked them off the orange tree and if grapefruitey well, that'll be the grapefruit tree.

Actually, come to think of it, if oranges are called oranges because they're orange, why aren't lemons called yellows because they're yellow? That's a mystery that certainly needs solving.


I seriously doubt you'll pick the wrong fruit, knowing how you probably wouldn't be too happy with grapefruity tea instead of lemon tea!

It is a conundrum, but why the fuck are litchi's called that? Vampire fruit in sheep's clothing.

A wise man once said:

"If your tea tastes like grapefruit you done fucked up your fruit picking, but if your tea tastes like lemon you have selected well and you're not a nutbag."

I have lived my life around this wise quotation.


Wise indeed!

One must embrace wise words of wisdomy wiseness.