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RE: Tradition

Many of these traditions are mostly found in the Asian part of the world, I have only seen these things in movies and doubt if there is anywhere country where such a thing is practiced.

The ceremony looks cool and I can feel the calmness even from the shots.

Did you eat those cookies with chopsticks as well? After several practices, I still can't use two pencils to pick something.


Yeah, the Japanese tea ceremony is found in Japan, and other such places where Japanese people are, like here in Australia.

I use chopsticks when I eat most Asian food, it just feels like the right thing to do, but it takes some practice. I'm a knife, fork and spoon guy, being Australian and all, but eating with choppy's can be fun. It's no fun if you don't know how to do it though, it makes eat difficult.

It is truly no fun when one doesn't know how to use the chopstick, I envy those who use it very well.

Lol...don't worry mate, I've had my troubles in the past learning how to use them. persistence is the key. I'm pretty good at it now.

I will just keep trying and probably might make a fun video of myself on hive when I am eventually good at it.

Happy new week sire... Cheers.

Great idea!