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RE: Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun

in Photography Lovers6 months ago

Looks like a great hike to me :) I envy you the vast no-man's lands the US and Canada. My country is not bursting with people like, say, Bangladesh, but we have a village every mile or two. When you leave one behind, you already see another.

I've only been to the Western Coast so far but a road-trip through the Midwest and then into the Rocky Mountains is definitely tempting :)


It was a blast, I really want to go back and do sunrise/sunset shots there. That's an interesting perspective, had never thought of it like that. I'd never been particularly fond of the Midwest because of its vastness (well and it's flatness), it was just a lot to drive through to get to the more interesting stuff. Can definitely see how that would be appealing though, I'm just from the mountains and hold a grudge against flat land :) If you don't mind my asking, what part of the planet do you call home?

The Rockies deserve a road trip all to themselves, spent several weeks wandering them in 2017 and could have spent ten times that and not come close to seeing enough of it. They're simply amazing.

I live in the Czech Republic and am about to relocate to Spain :)

If I go to the US, it would be like a 2 month trip across as many states as I could see :))

Ah, gotcha. Would love to visit both places but have yet to make it to either.

My 2017 trip ended up being 12 weeks of wandering the west, you can't go wrong with that. If you're ever looking for suggestions for places to visit, just hit me up.

I would definitely ask some Hiveans for suggestions, you're on the list now :)) Thanks!