Frozen Keila-Joa Waterfall

Most of the time, in winter I go to Keila Joa at least once during the season. Usually, after some very cold days to see these frozen ice pillars on the waterfall. This January I did just that.

This is also the location where I decided to take one photo every month. If you remember, at the end of the year I made three 12 months 12 pictures posts. Well, this is a location for this year. I thought it would be awesome to see the seasonal change in my photos there. The first photo is the one I will use at the end of the year for January.


The temperature was about 15C degrees if I remember correctly.
Here are some more photos I took there when I visited. This place is also used as a hydroelectric power plant. It does not produce much but there should be one turbine on the location.







WOW! This is so awesome! Winter sure is so dramatic in that place.

Yep, waterfalls look awesome when frozen.

Oh wow, I have never been there at winter time, only in the summer.
This looks so beautiful, next winter I hope I can remember to go see it myself too.

Try to visit it next time in the freezing days of the winter, its definitely worth it.

It proves how low the temperature of Keila Joa is.

Yeah -15C is pretty cold

It does. It's good that you could managed the cold.

I also wish to find such beautiful places and travel in other countries, especially in winter when it snows, the scenery is so beautiful.

Looking at this place, it will really be super cold I am guessing. So cold

15 degrees C yes. A cold time.