Some Lightning Shots

This summer was not the best( for me ) in terms of lightning storms and chasing the good shots. I was always on the lookout when the storms appeared nearby and tracked their moving. Unfortunately, I was unfortunate enough that only a couple of smaller thunderstorms came close by.
There were many crazy storms that ravaged around Estonia and a couple made it pretty close to Tallinn but I was either working or couldn't go and do some storm chasing at the time.

Still, I got a couple of shots and am not totally empty-handed. These shots don't have this WOW factor or anything, at least something. Here are the 3 shots that are worth posting.



And the third one is taken at the night in August, from my backyard.
Thunderstorm season is over for now. It is possible to get good storms here in autumn too but it's rather unlikely. Hopefully getting some good stuff next year.

By the time this post gets published( writing it the day before) on a timer, I am already in Madeira(an island in the Atlantic ocean ). Doing some traveling for 2 weeks so I probably will not be posting much in the next couple of weeks. Much more awesome content to come in the second half of September!



Cool shots! I was camping a safe distance away from lightning and I was in awe. My friend broke out his tripod and everything trying to get good shots. It’s definitely a sight to behold.

Yep, its awesome to chase thunderstorms but dont really want to get a direct hit. Especially when camping

Getting lighting shots is really hard and fun. I was attempting to get some at Lake Powell and finally switched to video as it was raining and hailing so hard. It was exciting!

Yup, gotta get these shots before the storm rolls on you. I have tried to take shots in the car too when it rains but that wont work.