Longg exposure photography at the France coast!

Hello beautiful people!

I am finally home after my tree month trip to Spain and Portugal! I had a wonderful time but I am really glad I am in my apartment again! I already took a nice walk in the forest and I am playing with all my plants! they were being taken care of by my neighbor so they all survived!

For now it's time to put all my pictures on my computer! I already uploaded some of them in lightroom and I am slowly going to show you everything that I saw and that I have experienced during my trip!

Here is one of the firsts post that I have edited a bit in LR!

La Palmyre France!

Is a small coastal village that was on my travel list! This because they have big sand dunes and a lighthouse standing on top of it! On the beach there is an old WW2 bunker and that is a nice subject for long exposure and sunset photography!



I love reflections like this on the beach!



The sand was also very beautiful! the water made all kinds of beautiful shapes and colors in the sand! And the black dots are hols were little crabs are hiding in!



I wanted to show you the movement of the water! I didn't want to freeze it wit a quick shutter speed and not to blurry with a slow shutter speed! I wanted to find a nice midway!




Blue hour!

I really like the outcome of the next pictures! There was not a lot of color in the sky during sunset but blue hour was pretty nice! I had a shutter speed of 1 second in the next picture! It really shows the movement of the water!




Here you see the water flowing over my footsteps! that gives a nice pattern in the water to! Shutter speed is 1.3 seconds!


Rocks are always nice on the beach! We don't have them in the Netherlands!


At the end the sky did lit up a little bit! It was pink and purple in the sky! I was very happy with that little bit of color!






My shutter speeds has a variety between 1/6 of a second an even 2 seconds! But the sweet spot is d 0,3 ore 0,4 seconds! just enough to let the water appear to be moving in the pictures!

Thank you for reading my post! And if you want to see all the places I have ever been to, just click on my Pinmapple profile!

And if you want to follow my daily life, I often post stories and pictures off all the tings I do in life on my Instagram account!


Old fortifications are quite interesting objects for photography. Especially textures.

I like it to. I want to do more of it

I'm now in Poland.
After the Second World War, many such objects remained here.
Maybe one day I will make a trip with a camera.

the long exposure makes some strange effects on the relives of the curved column

This is the entrance to the dungeon on the territory of Sorochyntsi, Poltava region in Ukraine.
My old camera, which remained in Ukraine.

Castles and dungeons are special magical places, that move you back in the past 🫶

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Manually curated by scroogergotchiheroes.com from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you 🥰🙏

What beautiful long exposure shots, a pretty dramatic sky, too 😍

!discovery 35

Thank you, that sky was awesome

I’m trying to imagine the way you set your camera to give you this amazing view
It looks so good

Running away from the water, running back in if the waves roll back 😂 it's hard work

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👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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@haastrecht, you are most welcome!

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I absolutely loved this pictures, especially the ones from the blue hour. Everything looks gorgeous, you did an amazing job!

Thank you so much 🙏 I love doinging this kind of photography


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Thank you 🙏

Those are some really good photos, hope to get to your level soon.

Thank you so much. I love doing this, running back and forward in the surf. To get beter at it, keep doing it. Practice Practice Practice

Wow! Beautiful pictures and area! 😊

Thank you 🙏

You're very welcome. Have a great week. 😊

Very nice place. I like the results of this photography.

Thank you a much 🙏