The interior of a 1959 luxury cruise ship!

We spent so much time down in the engine rooms of this ship and on top of the deck to photograph the skyline and sunset that we barely had time to go and see all the elegant lounges, bars, and dining rooms. There is also a big theater on the promonade deck, that they also can turn it into a cinema!

We started out at the theater! Here is the purple entrance of the it!

This is my Instagram friend Dave, standing on the podium shooting the curved balcony.


After I made this shot, I went directly to the staircase. not to go up, but to photograph it! I totally forgot to go to the balcony because I was very busy shooting the staircase!
I love that color setting, purple and red, it's just perfect together!
It was very challenging because it was such a small space! I shot this with my canon 14 mm prime lens! I love the light and the shadows here!




This is the main dining area It felt if I was in a sixties Bond movie! The lights on the ceiling are in shape of our start system! Every Zodiac sign is on there! That was difficult to capture! The reflection in one of the tables was very nice!








Here we went to another floor! You could take the elevator but the stairs were to pretty!





Up stairs there was a disco and different bars and lounges area's!
The light above the dance floor looked pretty cool so i wanted to take a picture of it! And then people are always watching because moments like this i cant do normal :p
My 14 mm lens is so wide that i really need to go down to not be in the picture! and then they started singing murder on the dance floor! I just needed to play dead.














Isn't this just like an episode of the That seventies show?
The next room is the second class dining room, they also gave party's here for second class travelers! The room is now decorated in chrism's style! On the podium there already was the chair of Santa Clause! The next party there was a Christmas party of a big company! Would you like it if your boss is taking you on a party here?





These are two panorama pictures i took with my telephone



The last room we went to was the biggest one jet!safe the best for last they say! It was the grand ballroom! Wen I entered i immediately fell in love with the ceiling lights!
It looked like bubbles from downstairs but they are circles! So I hyper focused only on that! i totally didn't photograph the dance floor and the podium! Didn't pay any attention on the lounges area there. and even didn't took any pictures of the grand stairs... I really need to work on that! I missed everything there! 😂







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Just wow! Your pictures are stunning. Will this cruise ship go on the ocean anytime soon? I like the picture of the dining room more. It's so bright and shiny. 😍

No, it's not going anywhere. It's a hotel, museum and conference ship now. It's never going to run again.

The photographs are beautiful and really captures the atmosphere of this floating palace. I can almost see the throngs of people in my mind dressed for the era and enjoying their stay on this wonderful ship. Thanks for "taking us" there with you! :)


There's also a photographic exhibition of pictures took Iin the sixties on board of this ship. That was so cool to see

Thank you very much for showing us a place we may never see in our lifetime with your photographs. This is what I enjoy the most about following photographers. You have given me new experiences and a new perspective.
I really like the lighting everywhere. Your Iso settings must be very happy 😁 everywhere is sparkling 😁

Haha it was so difficult to photosto there. Some times high as ISO 5000🙈

I see that in some places you even have to use flash 😜😜

Not i didn't use flash. Didn't thought about taking that with me

I was joking 😜😊😊😊

I forgot to take it with me, I could have used it😅

Damn. I’m impressed of how they preserve the furnitures in such a pristine condition. Its like a time capsule.

That's a good one. It is a time capsule. It really felt like I was in a sixties Bond movie😅

Very beautiful photographs, a very interesting place to photograph, with those chromatic and geometric visual games that are always attractive to the eye. Your photos are very nice. Regards

Interesting word, chromatic! That reminds me to try to convert them in to old pictures. Like 60 style film pictures. 😅👍