A Walk between showers

Easter had been rainy, anytime we even thought about going outside the heaven's would open, but we have got to Monday, and the skies, whilst not clear were slightly less grey - there was nothing for it, we had to go for a walk, we had to make the most of it.

Camera in hand we set off for North Carlton, where the streets are interesting, and there are enough cafes that if it rained we could wait it out with a coffee. But amazingly it didn't and I was about to get 4 or 5 shots I vaguely liked, and her for you are those shots, all taken with a Fujifilm X-t5 mated with the rarely spoken of 16mm F2.8 prime lens

Not the only people out for a walk
CarlWalk Walkers (1 of 1).jpg

Puddles a plenty
CarlWalk Rain on Chairs (1 of 1).jpg

Something about a dry shadow

CarlWalk Mixed Wall (1 of 1).jpg

The Towers Loom
CarlWalk Mixed Towers (1 of 1).jpg

There we a surprising number of people bathing

CarlWalk Mixed Bathing (1 of 1).jpg


CarlWalk Last (2 of 2).jpg


Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!