Random Photos of Spain and Portugal that don't belong in other posts Part 1

When you go on holiday, or at least for me I find that I'm reliving the holidays for months afterwards as I work through the photos, narrowing down from the 800 or so you take over 3 weeks to the 100 to 150 which are Hive worthy, and the 30 or so which might make it to Flickr, there might be 3 or 4 which even make it to a wall in my house someone.

I keep saying I'll do photo books but I don't

At first this is a annoying, immediately after when eerything is still fresh, the thought of wading through the photos is a bit much, there is the culling, then the post production (nothing to heavy but it's 3-4 minutes each but at 100 photos there is 8 hours of work.

And then the writing of the HIVE posts, anyone who is following my page knows I'm still posting photos of Spain and Portugal from September 2023, so it takes a while to get through (when you mix in newer stuff) But then there are the photos that try as I might just don't fit in a post anywhere; there isn't more than one of them to provide a theme, but it's also not strong enough to stand by itself.

Well this is the post for those orphan shots....

Like this shot from San Sebastian - which is a building site, such a pretty building site

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This photo from Madrid I though was almost strong enough to get it's own post, I like the negative space, the darkness, but Hove generally doesn't like that thing. This by the way was a office building (I think) that we walked past on our way to breakfast on our second day there.

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This one from Barcelona - which is just called 'A Wall' in my files. My guess, I liked a few things, the deep angled shadow of the light, and the small piece of artwork in the bottom right hand corner, I guess I'm going to a gritty loneliness of corporate greed type vibe, maybe it works, maybe it doesn't.

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This one from Bilbao - A statue, quite a good photo of a statue, who is this guy? I've got no idea, it seemed interesting at the time, now I'm not to sure. Should I google it? Okay so I have and I'm back - this is Ramon Rubial who is a socialist leader and inportant in the Spanish Civil war, also this is only half the artwork, he is walking towards a large metal panel with a human sized hole in it

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Or this is Sintra, Stained glass windows always look amazing in building, and then you photograph them, and then you realise, what am I going to do with this, I've added nothing, this is someone else's brilliance.

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