Random spider macro photos

Random spider macro photos I took. If you really like it and want a wall print or you want the photo on a cup or shirt you can get it at https://hendrikspix.redbubble.com

Also, my photos cannot be used without my permission thank you.

First is a jumping spider on a dead leaf hunting. I never knew that some spiders have large eyes on the sides of there heads. What I like about macro photography is you see things like this that you will never see with you naked eye. This jumping spider is about 4mm in size.
20200914 Jumping spider HS Social.jpg

This is a common black house spider. It seems to be blind in one of its eyes. They normally come out of there web nests so you can just see them. They can become a pest very fast since they have only a few predators.
20200914 Black house spider HS Social.jpg

Wolf spider out at night looking for food.
20200825 Wolf Spider HS Social.jpg

Jumping spider that caught a young ant queen for lunch.
20200914 Jumping spider with queen ant prey HS Social.jpg

Tiny wasp mimic jumping spider that is about 5mm in size. I like this type of photos with the green backdrop will try to do more of them in the future.
20200918 Wasp-mimic jumping spider HS Social.jpg