A night at The Rock Pub, Bangkok

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Shot with Fuji X-T5

When we first came here a few months ago, we made sure to come here again on our next visit to Bangkok... so we did. The Rock Pub has became our favorite place for music as they play what we like. XD Every night is a different band playing and each of them focuses on one main genre. It could be heavy metal, alternative, nu metal, metalcore, and the likes.

Our favorite night tho is Friday nights since the band Outro plays mostly metalcore and nu metal song covers.


This time, we were just staying in Bangkok for like 2 weeks and the arrival and departure happened to be a day before Fridays so we only had one chance to see the band again.


Friday nights are usually 2 bands playing - the first band Munson that plays heavy metal and then Outro that starts at 11pm or something. This time around they switched it for some reason and the Outro played first. It was a good thing I saw the update on their Facebook page cos they changed it last minute otherwise we would've missed it.



It rained really hard a few hours before this gig and I thought it would be cancelled somehow lol but the rain stopped maybe an hour before they started.



This was not their best gig. First they had a technical issue like the guitar stopped working for quite some time so it didn't sound right at some songs. It also felt "a little bit too early" for this kind of genre just because they switched the time with the other band. So some of the metalcore kids weren't there yet when they started and you could tell the crowd was the heavy metal crowd so I can see they weren't into this genre that much.

I'm obviously part of the Nu metal and metalcore crowd (my age, duh! 😂) and even so it felt "too early" for me like we need some warm up first you know LOL.


They also didn't play a lot of Bring Me The Horizon songs (or not at all, I forgot) cos they didn't bring the synthesizer (or whatever device, I also forgot lol) with them because of the heavy rain which was understandable of course.

That didn't affect their performance at all, just a bummer for me since I was ready to sing the BABYMETAL parts of "Kingslayer" cos they usually ask the audience to sing it for them hahaha.


What I also really like when they play is how fun the crowd is. There's always people moshing in front when they play and they're really friendly and just all fun.

This time around there was this guy who would just stay in front and would carry a stool like that LOL. You know, just vibing with the songs. I think I recognized him as the guitarist for another Nu Metal band that plays here as well though he might just be a lookalike. You can see him from the previous photos and how he would do it often. Haha.


He looks like he was about to smash that chair! XD

The staffs were telling him to stop lifting the stool like Thor cos it can be a potential safety issue. I think he was lifting something else as well though I don't remember what it was.


Then later he stopped lifting the chair and lifted a soft guitar case instead LOL. I don't think it was malicious or he was planning on maybe smashing it later on, I just think he was just drunk and vibing. XD



Then later on the band Munson played. They're a heavy metal band and in my experience most Nu Metal kids don't really like heavy metal songs that much. So it felt like a wrong crowd... just because they switched the time last minute haha.

That was also me until a few years ago. I didn't like heavy metal at all because I felt it was "for oldies" and I vibe more with metal/post hardcore/death metal/nu metal music and for whatever reason there's a division or a slight beef between these group of fans and that probably affected my taste as well. Phrases like "that's not real metal!" from different communities was what I heard all the time before lol.

Until I became an adult and my taste broadened and I started liking Metallica and others.


That didn't stop them from vibing with the songs tho. It wasn't the same energy as the previous band but still better than those old people who attend the band's gigs... cos they would just watch or bang their heads like they're watching a Youtube video. T_T I mean I'm not expecting them to be having a mosh pit in front haha but at least sing along or engage with the band or something.

Something I also didn't like was the band asked for any song requests and for whatever reason turned to me and asked me. I dunno maybe recognized me from before hahaha but that sudden spotlight made me blurt out "Slayer!!! Raining Blood" as I got pressured since I don't really like that kind of attention. XD

I knew from before that they probably weren't a big fan of Slayer songs or probably cos it's hard to sing or something... but I honestly could've blurted out any popular Metallica or Iron Maiden songs but I said the most thing I knew they would hesitate to play.

The vocalist just said it was too early for Slayer. After a few songs as well they were telling people they will play Slayer later on and I guess somebody else also requested it. We waited until the last song and Slayer wasn't played... I mean if he didn't wanna play it or don't really know the song he could've just said it than saying to play it later on but don't.

All in all it was still a good experience for us in our few days vacation. Maybe next time we can go to other bars that play these gigs. It would be really fun to try. :D


I like rock but never been into metal rock. Though, I do feel your excitement as I know how quickly those pubs that play play music on your taste made their way into your heart. And the atmosphere is top notch too! 😊

Yesss! In my experience it was quite hard to find a community to belong to as there weren't as much metalheads back home. Finding the place where you can relate to everyone is really just heartwarming.

I feel you girl! I had a similar experience based on the music I usually listen to 🤜🏻🤛🏻

I'm sure you had a pleasant time. Music is food for the soul 🤟

it looks like very interesting entertainment, is this rock famous in Bangkok. ?

In my observation, rock music is popular in Thailand in general. There's a big fanbase of them there. Or if you meant the Rock Pub, I think it is quite popular as well as they have been there for more than 10 years and they have a lot of regulars too.

That vocalist is so cool!

Yeah the attitude and performance are really great. Not a lot of performers are down-to-earth like him.

What energy, what a mane! :D I prefer listening to just regular rock (as well as many other types of music), not heavy. But visiting such a concert would be fun. How much is the entrance fee there?

Listening to this last weeks:

Amazing rock music movie (2001) - this. About an Eastern German guy who loved rock and cut his penis to escape the Communist motherland. Quite underground and freaky.

There's no entrance fee! Just come in. :D I suggest you look at their Facebook page cos they update there all the time. They play every night except Mondays.

Damn I've never heard of that movie before. Yeah sounds interesting :D

There's no entrance fee!

Nobody is going to take 500 baht from me?? No way! :D Very interesting. I'll follow them on FB.