photo quest birds.

in Photography Loverslast year (edited)

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Hello, and greetings @qurator and team here is my entry for this time's photo quest theme birds I am very happy to see there are many entries this time and feels like real competition. these photos are from India. The birds around us. In our garden. which I had taken when we were in India. and they are from nature very shy and moving fast when the photos were taken. All content and photos are taken by me. English is not my first language.

This is a surprising photo when I was working in our garden I noticed something moving on the one dead coconut tree. I went to the house and come with our Panasonic fz300 Started taking photos of this beautiful creature one by one please see the last photo in the post. and finally, it shows up in the open wall on the stone fence. to get this photo it has taken around half day and more than 50 photos for a clear image.









Thank you


This is such a brilliant close-up of an owl. Stunning photo. And the rest of the birds are so well captured. 🙂

Thank you, Neli How are you? I am glad you like it. Thinking about soon will start posting in the community. 💓😊Greetings

I am fine, thanks. 🙂
I would love to see your posts in the community. The #SMaP contest is still on in Feathered Friends Community and I hope to see your entry soon.


what a wonderful collection of bird photos. i would like to go to india and see the birds

Thank you🙏🙏

Lovely photographic share of birds.

Thank you very much greetings🙏😊

Oh my gosh you live in a world surrounded by beautiful creatures. I would love to be there. I see pigeons, crows and sparrows in the city.

Your owl photo is stunning and I would hang this up on the wall. You could paint a great picture of that. Have a great day my friend.❤️😊

Yes, this is my best capture when I started playing with the camera. still, I am learning. When I saw that owl in a dead coconut tree hole I was sitting in the warm sun and sand until it show up full and from 9 am to 1 pm I did that and was very happy when I saw that on the computer. Thanks for your support.💓😊

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