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RE: On our way North

in Photography Loverslast month (edited)

Thanks. Endless boat jobs is just part of boat life; child care and boat maintenance in exotic locations. The boat is 15 years old so we wanted to do a refit on the sails and running rigging as the old stuff had done a lap and a half and we wanted to do some ocean crossings and trust our sails etc. The electronics refit was due to the heat damaging all the LED screens on the boat during storage in the desert island (which then snowballed as had to upgrade to a more modern digital bus to take the new control units and then upgrade to a digital rader etc). The though hulls were something I wanted to do as I did not like the OEM ones; the pressure transducer leak was unfortunate and just a byproduct of lifting the boat in and out of the water. The issue with the davits was unfortunate (and turned out to be a welding defect that sheared internal to the tube where the threaded rod was welded on). The engine stuff is just normal engine stuff. Just unfortunate that everything all at once (nomally its a little slower) .

We were on her for two years over the pandemic then left it on the hard in Aruba for two years (to go home and work) and now have been back on her for 6 months now. We did manage to sail trough 8 countries in the last 6 months so hopefully we have not been demoted to liveaboards from cruisers due to 6 weeks in the lagoon lol