Es.Ing There is life between the leaves of your plants 14 images of insects

in Photography Lovers2 years ago
Hola apasionados seguidores de esta increíble ¨ Photography Lovers Community¨:  Feliz de estar aquí compartiendo hermosas imágenes de nuestra caminata por la huerta; El jardín o el huerto es el lugar ideal para encontrar hermosos motivos para tomar una fotografía; Las plantas es el albergue ideal para pequeños insectos que nos deslumbran con sus bellezas

Source: Family Álbum

Hello passionate followers of this incredible ¨ Photography Lovers Community¨:   Happy to be here sharing beautiful images of our walk through the garden; The garden or orchard is the ideal place to find beautiful reasons to take a photograph; The plants are the ideal shelter for small insects that dazzle us with their beauties

Desde que recuerdo siempre estuve cerca de los insectos observándolos; Crecí en un barrio en donde las casitas estaban rodeadas de bosques, lo que hacía que en la puerta de tu casa te encontraras a diario a un insecto que te permitirá pasar el día observándolo

Source: Family Álbum

Since I can remember I have always been close to insects, observing them; I grew up in a neighborhood where the houses were surrounded by forests, which meant that at the door of your house you would find an insect every day that will allow you to spend the day observing it

Si bien todos los insectos eran de mi interés, las mariposas y las libélulas eran mis predilectas; Cada vez que una se presentaban en nuestro jardín no le sacaba el ojo de encima, y corría tras ellas cuando volaban libremente por el predio que rodeaba la laguna

Source: Family Álbum

While all insects were of interest to me, butterflies and dragonflies were my favorites; Every time one of them appeared in our garden, he did not take his eye off her, and ran after them when they flew freely through the property that surrounded the lagoon.

Haber vivido en este lugar era como un sueño hecho realidad, cientos de insectos se posaban en las ventas durante el día; Los que más llamaban mi atención eran aquellos que tenían varios colores, y que nos permitían verlos desde lejos

Source: Family Álbum

Living in this place was like a dream come true, hundreds of insects were perching on the sales during the day; The ones that most caught my attention were those that had several colors, and that allowed us to see them from afar

Algo que nunca puede entender, era ver a los niños de la escuela que tenían esas colecciones de insectos para estudiar de ellos; Siempre me preguntaba si no era mejor estudiarlos en sus ¨habitas¨

Source: Family Álbum

Something he can never understand, was seeing the school kids who had these collections of insects to study from them; I always wondered if it wasn't better to study them in their ¨habitas¨

Siempre estuve agradecido con mis padres por haber escogido ese lugar rodeado de naturaleza; Lo hicieron en la mejor época de mi vida, cuando todo era curiosidad; Así es como nace mi amor por los insectos; Las imágenes que pueden ver están gracias a la cámara de un teléfono ¨MotoE7plus¨

Source: Family Álbum

I was always grateful to my parents for choosing that place surrounded by nature; They did it in the best time of my life, when everything was curiosity; This is how my love for insects is born; The images you can see are thanks to the camera of a phone ¨MotoE7plus¨


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


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I like the butterfly... first time I see those. I actually like all the photos, but wanted ti say that I haven't seen the type of butterfly.
Happy Weekend, @jlufer!!!

hello dear friend @silversaver888 good afternoon
happy that my images have been to your liking
Have a beautiful night