On my sixth anniversary (True happiness lies in simplicity)

in Photography Lovers2 years ago


Hola amigos y fieles seguidores de esta genial ¨Photography LoversCommunity¨:  Muy contento de estar nuevamente en este genial lugar, donde los apasionados por las tomas fotográficas compartimos nuestra pasión, para que otras personas con nuestros mismos gustos disfruten de nuestras fotografías

Hello friends and faithful followers of this great ¨Photography LoversCommunity¨:  Very happy to be again in this great place, where those of us who are passionate about photography share our passion, so that other people with the same tastes can enjoy our photographs.

Hoy estoy cumpliendo en esta maravillosa ¨blockchain¨ de #Hive mi sexto aniversario, y debo decir que es lo mejor que me ha pasado en mis 54 años de vida, gracias a esta maravillosa red social, puedo hacer lo que me apasiona, además de obtener los recursos para hacerlo, nos encanta viajar y documentar en fotografías los lugares que visitamos, y sobre todo compartir con todos la belleza natural de mi pueblo

Today I am celebrating my sixth anniversary in this wonderful #Hive blockchain, and I must say that it is the best thing that has happened to me in my 54 years of life, thanks to this wonderful social network , I can do what I am passionate about, in addition to obtaining the resources to do it, we love to travel and document the places we visit in photographs, and above all share with everyone the natural beauty of my town

Este lugar es ideal para aquellos que le apasiona la naturaleza, esto esta ubicado en una hermosa ciudad, que alberga espacios naturales donde se pude apreciar de fondo hermas colinas y picos de montañas, que cuando deshielan, forman bellos lagos en las praderas adyacentes. No hace falta decir que disfrutamos mucho caminar a la vera de los lagos, y percibir la frescura de las aguas, que en combinación a los aromas del bosque, es lo más agradable que he percibido

This place is ideal for those who are passionate about nature, this is located in a beautiful city, which houses natural spaces where you can see beautiful hills and mountain peaks in the background, which when they thaw , form beautiful lakes in the adjacent meadows. It goes without saying that we really enjoyed walking by the lakes, and perceiving the freshness of the waters, which in combination with the aromas of the forest, is the most pleasant thing I have ever perceived

Estas hermosas imágenes que pueden ver las hicimos en nuestro último viaje de vacaciones a la ¨ciudad¨ de ¨Ushuaia¨, un lugar remoto de mi país ¨Argentina¨, el sur de nuestro país es realmente hermoso, y alberga muchos lugares donde la naturaleza tiene mucha presencia, y para los amantes como yo de la vida natural, es el mejor lugar para visitar y tomarse unas hermosas vacaciones. las imágenes las tomamos con nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨

We made these beautiful images that you can see on our last vacation trip to the ¨city¨ of ¨Ushuaia¨, a remote place in my country ¨Argentina¨, the south of our country is really beautiful, and it houses many places where nature has a lot of presence, and for lovers like me of natural life, it is the best place to visit and take a beautiful vacation. the images are taken with our camera "nikoncoolpixb500"

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#posh compartido en mis redes sociales
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Happy 6th anniversary! I just had the 5th recently. It's one of the best things for me too to be here. Without being here I wouldn't have learned so much about different cultures, countries, people, traditions, etc. I also have something to occupy me where I can express myself and share.

The vistas that you captured are breathtaking. There is nothing more majestic then a mountainous view.

All the best to you my friend!

Hello dear friend @carolynstahl good night
yes, what you say is very true, here you learn a lot about people, how they live and the things they are passionate about
happy fifth anniversary
Thank you very much for your kind words and support that you give to my post.
have a beautiful night

Hello dear friend @jasonmunapasee good day
Very happy that my images have been to your liking
thank you very much for your kind words and support that you give to my post