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RE: A day of flamingos.

Graceful dance in preparation of leaving, have not seen so many together in a long time, lucky you!

Wetlands, pans that fill with water such a lifesaver to so many birds that arrive for specific reason.

Lovely photography, bit of history in crazy people eating a specific part of a bird not all!



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Thank you Lady Joan and I still rue the fact that I couldn't get closer to them. Way too far for me to walk.

Wonderful and we are glad that they keep the lake area in a pristine condition.

Crazy people indeed, but the modern people still do the same. I think here of the Rhinos that are killed only for their horns and the Pangolins that are facing extinction because of their scales.
Sheer madness!


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Wetlands are being lost at an alarming rate, hopefully nature will step in to take back.

Not being able to get closer you still managed some amazing photography, have a great Saturday.


Thankfully over here they are very fussy about the wetlands, but as usual up north they couldn't care less.

Always a struggle, as the sun tries its utmost to protect the birds against photographers that stand at the far side of the lake !LOLZ


Wetlands are critical to environment health, at one time we had Pelicans floating on the Amanzimtoti river not that long ago either, Palm Vultures also started venturing down this way....

St Lucia estuary was in the worst shape I have ever seen last year, sadly many folk living on the waterway lose their livelihood due to negligence of those who should be tending to dredging, trying to get back to where it once was. Mangroves once destroyed very seldom revive like most plant life.

Sun glare across water always a problem when you on the wrong side with photography !LUV


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