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RE: Some of the smaller beauties.

It's the small little butterflies that are so difficult to capture, little blues we have are similar in size.

Dragonfly has ultimate colouring what a brilliant capture resting up for a short while.

Never seen that moth, it's stunning! We have had some amazing ones showing up over recent couple of days, all at night.



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You are right, as I made them look big here on the Macro setting and the zoom, but one needs to careful of over, or under zooming. Difficult indeed.

At first, I thought that it was a female Emperor, but then the markings and the body colorings are totally different. So I had a look at the hanging dragonfly species, and there it was! A friendly Hawker.

At first when we saw it on the apple farm long ago, we thought that it was a butterfly, as moths fly at night. Imagine our surprise to discover that it's a moth that fly by day. I believe you as many of the night moths are beautiful.

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