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RE: Wednesday Walk details around the port

"the best laid plans of mice and men".

what a good phrase, the truth is that I was totally unaware of the existence of this phrase, I see that it represents everything that ruins our plans being things that we can not control and are out of our hands.

Every day you learn something new, I'm a fan of your posts about Wednesday walk challenge.

But from the whole post I have to admit that if I had a house I would put that whale wind vain, it's very cool.


I have to admit I have been tempted to put a weather vane on our roof but have seen so many cool ones I cant decide which style I want

Hmm maybe thats a future post just of weather vanes

When I was younger I had a friend who had a whole system to measure the weather in his house, there were a lot of weather vanes, things to measure the humidity of the room, it was incredible and since then I've always wanted to have that in my house.

So if you do a post on that, I'd love to read it.

I set up something like that years ago in a house i had, it was cool to be able to monitor it all, if I got a weather vane here it would be more decorative than functional