Beautiful Sunday:at last someone mowed the grass and a special gift!

I have been thinking about getting someone to tidy the weeds and grasses along the dirt road. Our brush cutter has been giving us troubles lately. It was bought only about a year ago. The last one lasted over five years though it was made in China. The new model was heavier but seemed not as sturdy so we needed someone with a heavy duty mower to deal with the thick weeds and unruly grasses.



The garden was enveloped with new green leaves and sweet fragrance of white blossoms all around. I had no idea these plants could be so prolific in blooming flowers at the same time. It was as if Mother Nature was giving us some comforting rewards for our hard work and good behaviors. Two weeks ago I was complaining that these plants were on strike for not flowering this year. They heard my complaint and were very generous with their blossoms. The scent was specially strong in the evening.



The following day I heard loud noises from a heavy duty mower! My gardener told me she asked her neighbour to work in our garden for a day. He brought along his grandpa’s mower; this was a wonderful surprise to a promising day. Several tasks got done in a short time; the path to the riverbank got nicely mowed and the weeds along the dirt road were flatten out. Looking around the place, my heart became very calm and peaceful things seemed be working out with the guidance of Mother Nature and the land spirit. I could feel that they listen to our vibes and tried to respond to us in a protective and nurturing ways. This made me even more careful about my intention and karma while living in this sensitive land.



My gardener couldn’t believe I could predict the weather like when it would rain with accuracy. In fact I had been asking for some needed rain from Mother Earth on behalf on the trees and plants on the jabs. It has been quite uncanny that I would be told when the rain would arrive. But there is a catch; my karma have to be very righteous during those days as if I had to contemplate, pray and perform walking meditation diligently. It’s like one needs to to create spiritually positive vibes for the right conditions to enable transcendental materialisation in Nature. If I had been angry during those few days, the whole situation would be spoiled by negative vibes. I guess holy sages or magicians in the cold days must have been on their best and holy karma most of the time.



After I heard that my gardener’s neighbours were having bad effects from their jabs; I asked my gardener to bring along some Ivermectin with an instruction. My gardener and the whole family were given Ivermectin to help with the negative effects after the second jabs. I forbid my gardener from taking the second jab. So, my gardener has been taking Ivermectin for almost a year; she could explain to her neighbours on how or when to take these tablets. I asked her to tell them that I have been taking these for almost two years. I could travel everywhere and be among fully jabbed people or those who got Omicron without getting sick!




Actually I had no fear of getting COVID, Delta or Omicron at all; I had intentionally put myself in risky situation to test out all the Thai, Chinese and Western medication. The result was very satisfying and have me the confidence on how to prescribe all these combinations to some friends. I also gave Ivermectin to my orange cat who got infected with shedding spike proteins on my clothing! From now on, I had to take a shower and wash my hair including a change of my clothes as soon as I arrived at the farmhouse. I should refrain from touch or getting near my cats! That’s why I read on the news that animal zoos got COVID spike proteins from their human carers; some lions were so sick that they were put to sleep! Only had they got some Ivermectin. Those animals could be saved!




In the afternoon, my gardener told me that her meughbour sent me a gift; a kind if special plant. I didn’t get the drift until I saw the plant the following day. They sent me a Kanja plant or weed plant! That’s what I have been trying to obtain some seeds from another friend in the city. I was very thankful for this special gift. Knowing that I was happy with this gift, they decided to give me the other two bigger plants the following day. I asked my gardener about the proper names of these plants; nobody knew the origin of these seeds. I hope I would find out one day. So, this would become part of my medicinal gardening.




The evening was always slow and quiet as people started to wind down after working in the heat. I routinely walked slowly along the riverfront. It’s time to be quiet and reflect on what had passed during the past few days and gather new energy from natural surroundings. I wish that the Naga, guardian of the river, would appear in real life one day. I did meet Naga in my dream and went down to their hidden cave under the river. There’s a portal somewhere along the river. The other evening I saw the tide flew up the river! I could hardly believe my eyes; something was moving under the dark strands of water.



Villagers continued to cycle along the riverfront in the evening. Sometimes they brought their cows to enjoy the young grasses along the way. I spent some quiet time by the river as if I had to come for my daily cleansing session. The healing vibes there washed away all my worries and gave me more energy to soldier on the following day. Mother Nature has been so very kind and generous to me. I hope to always behave in a deserving way for the benefits of all sentient beings.




Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.


Is that weed thing legal there?

Hahahah. Almost, sometime this year it’s in the law waiting to be applied in sixty days.

Yay! 🤗
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