Headshots I created for a company's profiling using butterfly lighting setup.

In the last couple of weeks, I have worked with two different companies who sought my services for their company's profiling. Corporate photography isn't something I've done on a large scale before, so these gigs were an opportunity for me to learn.

I created coporate photos for a law firm first, then an engineering/safety company. I'm sure I did good. Although I've learnt after doing my homework, that I can do better. Especially in terms of communicating the company's idea in photos.

One thing I was sure I "killed" during those sessions were the headshots. I created squeaky clean headshots for the staff these companies. One common that enabled the outcome of those headshots were my lighting setup.

So lately I've been loads of research about lighting setups. Lighting is fundamental to photography and I want to be deliberate about how I light my photographs. It doesn't mean that I've been shooting with bad lighting though. I just wanted to sure at all times, that this is the best lighting setup to use at a particular time.

So for headshots or half-body portraits, I realized that the butterfly lighting setup was more suitable. I actually do use such setup before(when I had just one light). With the addition of lights to my inventory, I just used everything at once to create. But why use 3 when 1 can achieve great results too.

Too many stories already, here are the photos I created;


Amazing results yea? I'm happy with the results I achieved. And beyond the lighting, I impressed myself by retouching these photos yet maintained their originality.

Incase you are wondering what the butterfly lighting setup is all about, you can look it up on YouTube, but here's a pictorial example of what it simply looks like;

images 18.jpeg


Alright that's it. Please let me know in the comments section what you think about the photos. Also if you've got more lighting ideas suitable for headshots, I'd love to hear about them.


They're lovely

Thank you very much @creativemary

Those are definitely some great results! I definitely agree that photography is all about lighting. Bad lighting can make even the best of subjects turn out awful.

Thank you for your kind comment. Lighting is so so essential. I'm glad I'm being deliberate with it

me encantan las fotos sencillas llenas de luz y picardia y estas la tienen... me enamoré de la tercera fotografía... felicidades