Mid-July monochromes!

Hey, friends! It’s either late Sunday night, or early Monday morning depending on how you look at it. I’m unwinding which is when my blockchain journaling begins. Next month, it’ll be my seventh years writing on Hive! That’s insane. @mada introduced me to this site and it disrupted everything in my life. A complete change of course and I’ve loved it. I took time to prepare a sophisticated recipe tonight. Pasta with vegan alfredo and chanterelle mushrooms. I did dishes and laundry and I’m laying in bed while my robot vacuums the floors downstairs. All in all, a quiet weekend. Once I get this blog posted, I’ll draw until I’m sleepy.

Once or twice a month, I’ll share a few new black and white images from some of my favorite color shots from over the years. First tonight, I wanted to share a classic from 2014 of pinup model, Doris Mayday. This is from the peak of my career. I had just started shooting in LA two years earlier. Opportunities were coming at me faster than I could handle and much of those early years on the west coast were collaborations with this model. This shot was taken in Culver City, where she lived at the time. Her partner was a set designer which made for a great location for this shoot. It would eventually made the cover of Pink Bow City magazine.

This next shot is with a model that I’ve since lost touch with. She was a regular client and every time I’d book dates in Los Angeles, I could count on her for a deposit. She had expensive taste in wardrobe and seemed to have endless hook ups with extravagant locations. You couldn’t ask for much more as a photographer. This shoot was in the hills of Santa Barbara. She worked with a wealthy doctor who had a home that we could shoot during the day. This is my first time seeing this shot as a black and white and I have to say, it has even more impact than the color. I’m very pleased with it.

Lastly, this is a photo taken of my friend Micheline Pitt. This would have been around 2015, I believe. Shortly after this session, both of our lives blew up in what I’d consider my last Tower moment [referencing @tarotbyfergus, who’s currently helping to guide me through my current Tower moment]. We shot this at her apartment in Burbank. This would be our last shoot together for a few years. We had a falling out, then made up and I was eventually hired to shoot the first few series of look books for her new company, La Femme En Noir. I love the noir, Hitchcock vibes in this image.


Great pictures bro

Very cool black and white work .... I hope you find more this dark photos soon :) 🤗

Thank you @foxkoit. I always enjoy doing these monochromes. I fall in love with some of these shots all over again.

Cool.. then not stop and find more 😁👌👌👌🍹

Hello, you take great photos, i like your style, i will follow you for more 😊 Have a great day, sir

Thank you, @tiptop97. You have a great day as well.

i had to look up Tower moment to see what you meant. We need to be as present as we are able especially in such circumstances and remember that we are but characters in the dream of life.

Sat Nam