The inaugural Vixen look book!

What’s up, Hive? I’m in Eau Claire, Minnesota at the moment with @guthrie at a tiny home in the middle of the woods. In December, we were suppose to take a road trip to D.C. and then to Pennsylvania to visit my mom, but a snow storm passed through the entire midwest and cancelled everything. He’s been asking about a getaway ever since. I don’t have much money right now but an ad showed up in my Instagram feed for a sale on a cool AirBnB that was marked down 87% for one night. I impulsively went for it and here we are watching Scream on a projector, in bed, keeping up on our horror streak […kind of disappointed that it’s Scream, honestly].

Tonight, I revisited a shoot I did in 2018. This is a follow up to a post I did a few nights ago with La Femme En Noir and @michelinepitt. We lost touch for a few years because of some drama with an LA brand that we both had a falling out with […on separate occasions]. She reevaluated her career and came out strong with not one but two new brands. La Femme En Noir is a dark, gothic brand and the other line is Vixen by @michelinepitt. This was more kitschy pinup. Once we reconnected in 2017, we were able to coordinate and meet in Los Angles to shoot look books for both brands. This was shots from the Vixen line.

@michelinepitt booked Castle Green in Pasadena. I’d actually shot here before years earlier with another pinup brand so I was already familiar with the space and the nooks to sneak into for great diegetic lighting shots. @micheline brought on a model named Rachel that we’ve both worked with previously. The night before I couldn’t sleep with how eager I was to work on this project. @michelinepitt is a powerhouse in so many ways. As a designer, a businesswoman, a make-up artist and stylist, but especially as a model. We’ve developed a very special collaborative bond together.

These images were the shots I discovered after reviewing the session for the first time in years. I can’t believe I somehow overlooked these gems the first round. This process of revisiting older shoots has been a comforting experience and a silver lining of not having to constantly be on the hamster wheel of endless shoots. For the rest of the night, I’m going to try and decompress and watch the rest of this movie with @guthrie. I’m going to dig up some other shoots tomorrow night and continue this art therapy from the golden years of my career. Thanks for reading! Have a great night.


They both look gorgeous and make a great team posing together. At first, I thought they were twins which would had been interesting considering that I have a twin too, lol

Oh! Are you? That's so cool! Identical?

We used to be identical as kids, but the more we grow up, the more we change 👀

Great shots! You can definitely tell she has a unique style with the dresses. The setting looks really cool too. I guess I never realized there were so many of these classical places still kicking around across the US.

There are a lot of cool locations in LA, and especially Pasadena, they're just insanely expensive to shoot at unless you have a hook up. Luckily, she did.

A beautiful composition!

That second image...legit!

Thank you, @galenkp. That's definitely my favorite of this set, too.

You're welcome. I like the whole thing, the composition and all, the model, the tone of it...I'm an old soul I think and so that look appeals to me. Nice work (as always.)

Of course the photos were clicked in 2018 but these are also money shots. The models have done complete justice to you in the photoshoot.