Some Random Scenes of the Fall

in Photography Lovers7 months ago (edited)

The sun rises at 7:59 AM and sets at 5:52 PM. The temperature dips to single digits overnight and rises to the early teens in the afternoon. We've been having continuous days of rain broken by several days of sunlight. When the rain comes, I like to listen to it on the window glass. Then the sun peeks through the clouds and joy. 😎

All these crazy weather variations have left some wonderful scenes around the city thanks to the deep changes in the vegetation.

The moss was soft, and the ground was soggy that day

This tree is not vibrant as it was earlier, now it looks a bit faded and ready to drop its leaves

Let us have a moment of silent for this fallen sentinel. His watch is over

This yellow tree is beginning to lose its leaves from the top first. Interesting!

Nature is so extravagant


Images by @litguru

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InLeo Threads


Very beautiful and peaceful , colorful. ❤ Very relaxing!
It is clear that the professional worked! Very beautiful!!!

Thanks so much @ykdesign! The fall is particularly nice and relaxing on clear sunny days when you can go out and explore.

What great autumn pictures, I love the colours of the trees, beautiful shots!❤️

It is joyful to see the trees change colour, but not so joyful see the leaves fall. 😆

Well, the leaves on the ground generate a beautiful carpet of wonderful colours .... that rustle as we pass...

True! 🍂

I really like your photos, but I must admit that my favorite is the 4th photo, where you can appreciate the difference in sizes and colors of the trees that are there. 🥰

There is a good variety of trees around this area and many of them are old. It used to be an old growth forest but now only a bit remains in the park further down the road. Thank you for reading and your wonderful comment.

some shots which are certainly very beautiful, starting from the colors of the leaves which vary in red and brown, what I like is the moss, as you said it is very soft

This forest gets carpeted in moss and lichen, so one can get some very nice shots. I'll have to revisit the area.

These are really great and beautiful pictures I must confess 💝

Thank you!