❄️ Let’s walk around in our garden, ALMOST SPRING ☀️🌼🌱🌲🌳⛄️ ~ WednesdayWalk

Hi all 👋🏻

Join me today on a walk around our garden to discover what has popped up from underneath the meters of snow ⛄️😁
Yes… some parts are also still covered in snow and I can’t walk into the forest yet… but I can walk around the house now without sinking waist deep in the snow ❄️ hahaha 🤣
Soon though… I can explore it all 🌳 🌲can’t wait to discover all the new things ☺️
SPRING IS ON ITS WAY 🌸🌼☀️ wooohhoooooo soooo exciting.

With this post I’m joining in at the Wednesday Walk challenge and Make me Smile challenge. That are hosted by @tattoodjay and @elizacheng every week on Wednesday.

‼️Have a look: Here in the Wednesday Walk Community if you want to join in!… the community is run by @tattoodjay.
Look at his last #Wednesdaywalk post.
It will tell you also the rules of joining at the Wednesday walk posts 😁 come join us! It is fun!

Today’s selection will be of 17 PHOTOGRAPHS
Date: 6, 7 and 8 MAY 2024.
The Photographs in this post are all taken with my phone 📱🤓
I will follow the time stamps on them. So it looks like you are experiencing my #adventures on this #walk, to 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 #discover everything what I saw, like the little #details seen through my eyes. 😊

Let’s go for our walk 😊 come along!

Behind our wood shed we find this view. It leads up into our forest. If you look closely….

… you see an ant hill 🐜🐜🐜🐜 that showed up. It has been buried under 2 meters of snow for half a year ❄️❄️❄️ it is crawling with life now.

Walking to the middle front part of our plot with a view over the valley… we find still bare branches with old dried seed pots. We do have to attend to our garden a bit as it hasn’t been maintained well over the last years. It will be so much fun though 😊

Walking further to the other side of the plot, I found some perennial plants like the RHUBARB that is only just showing up. In the background you see still lots of snow needs to melt before I can see what is in the front of the house 🏡

So cool that I found Rhubarb. Now it needs to grow 😊
Do you know it?
What are your favourite dishes with it? What do you make with it? 🥧 I can’t wait to bake a tart with it one day…

These photos are over the last 3 days where I discovered more and more…
Like these beautiful forest flowers 🌸🌸🌸

Their colour is so bright against the forest floor. Beautiful 🥰

Looking further into the forest I can’t go further here as we still sink in deeper and deeper in the snow. Next year I have the proper gear 😉 and the deep snow won’t stop me 😇

The pathway on the left goes along our plot line up the mountain… our forest is everything on the right and up. This is behind the house. You see it better in the first photo. 🌳🌲🌳🌲 I just love it that we have our own forest. Can’t wait to walk in it 🌳🌲 oh the adventures that will be ahead of me 😁

I found these spring flowers… looks like they are daffodils 🌼 we will see soon.

Yesterday I discovered strawberry 🍓 plants. Still covered with snow. Soon they will be stretching for the sun ☀️

More and more snow is melting 🫠 finally…

A few more warm and sunny days… will do the trick.
This week we still have -6 degrees Celsius at night. Next week prediction is no more freezing temperatures 🤞🏻🤞🏻 and sunny weather… ☀️ I will warm up in the sun. Sitting outside on the porch and listen to the birds and wildlife.
Tending to the garden will have to wait a little longer… soon 😊

Next to the woodshed all of this broken stuff popped up. A shame the tire is flat. Will have to check it out and fix it.

Somewhere under this pack of snow is our own water well… my guess… the round lid. We will find out 🤓
We are almost fully #offgrid here with own water and septic tank, I will work towards it to make it further off grid.

The birdies are still happy with the food. Such a joy to watch them from the kitchen window 🪟 😊

Once I see more of the garden, I will make an update what I have #discovered further 🌼🌸🌱🌳🌲

…and here I say that’s all for today’s post my friends.
Join me next time for more #updates, #adventures, #stories and #photographs 😎👋🏻
Even my own #artworks, once in a while, will come by” 🎨
Thank you so much for looking, and reading.

#ecency banner by @irisworld

Any questions or comments, let me know. Always happy to help.

Have a great Wednesday all 😎
Grtz Jackie

Unless stated otherwise: All art and photos used in my posts are taken, created and owned by me. If you wish to use any of my photographs, please contact me first. As I have used some commercially myself. We don’t want that you or somebody else gets into trouble 😉 So please don’t use them without my consent.

🖼 My PRINTSHOP: for the purchase of all kind of prints in many sizes from my Artworks 🎨 and Photography 📸 Which come on different objects too. Have a look in My Prints Shop!

If you want to see where I traveled to and what I already shared in @pinmapple, have a look at my personal map here: Littlebee4 PINMAPPLE MAP

#ecency image by @irisworld


A lot to discover around you as the snow melts away.
Wonderful isn't it?
I don't know the Rhubarb, I will have to look it up.

Your internet sorted?

Yes and i am loving it.
The snow is gone since yesterday out of the garden. It did reveal a mess. So lots of cleaning and maintaining to do. The last owners didn’t keep it nice.
The forest still has snow in some parts. But garden comes first.

I have put starlink on a 2 meter long pole. It still touches the trees and looks up the mountain.

Need to find another solution… it is better than it was though. So each improvement is good 😎

The problem is there are no satellites 🛰️ to connect to. They are far far … away.
I really had hoped it (the dish 📡) would look south into the valley. But it looks up north up a mountain and trees 🌲🌳 that are so tall it is hard to get over it.
Let’s hope Elon sends more satellites up so we can change the direction where the dish is pointing to.
One day…

Yeah your garden comes first when it comes to tidying up.

I was hoping the height will help to get better reception, but I see I was looking at it from cell tower to directional or omni antenna instead of satellite which am not clued up about.

I am assuming you have contacted Starlink support but even so there is little they can do if you are very far from a satellite antenna.

Elon better install more of those satellites!

Yep… lots to do.
Today we go and get some soil (lots of bags ) for the veggie beds, so I can put out my seedlings next week.
So we have our own food for a while.

It’s a shame it doesn’t reach the satellites 🛰️ they are not on an antenna btw. They are in orbit around the world. 🌍 The country I live in now has none flying over hahaha So we are connecting to one that flies over another country.
Let’s hope he sends more into space. Elon is doing so, but our region isn’t on the list yet.
Support can’t do anything about it.
I still have internet though… even though it gives me troubles. I am kinda connected here in this very remote place.

Have a great evening Joe 👋🏻😊

Hahaha you see am used to antennas lol
All good Jackie
At least you have some connections to keep you going until a better solution is established.

Good night from here, it's been hectic and the next two weeks is going to be the same.

Yep, i fully understand 😋 !LOL
At least I have. Gives me time for all the things I need to do.

I finished all paperwork now, just hubby is still waiting for his residence what can take all the way into september…
Good evening 👋🏻 hope you do get enough rest with busy weeks.
Take care 🤗

Good, you've got the paperwork out of the way.
Great September is around the corner time will pass quickly though it can seem long.

Thanks, Jackie, I arrived in Omarama about 2 hours ago from Christchurch.

@joetunex! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ littlebee4. (3/10)

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Thanks a lot! Much appreciated 👋🏻😊

Ah, the snow is starting to melt in your part of the world... The gardening season is going to be short, although the plants seem to be in a hurry to get some sun, like these strawberry plants 😀
Have a great day

Finally it is, although yesterday we had snow again all day hahaha 🤣 even the locals say this is not normal. It was the longest and most snow they have seen in 40 years.
This year the gardening season will be very short. You are right.
The plants want to reach the sun. Today the sun is out since 3:30am so the snow from yesterday is gone. Now the rest 😎
Have a great day too 👋🏻


Discovery Wednesday walk, nice one

Thank you so much @oasiskp2 😊

It's all so exciting! It is such fun to explore your new garden with you as it gets uncovered. I have a recipe for a rhubarb cake that I look forward to making each spring. And you have strawberries too! You will enjoy reclaiming this lovely garden!

It sooo is. I will be out and about in the next week as sunshine is predicted and i guess the last snow will melt fast now. Although… we had all day new snowfall yesterday ☃️ hahaha 🤣
The locals say it is not normal this winter season. This much snow and this long they havenkt had in the last 40 years.

Will be fun making the garden nice and put in more veggies… i started a lot of seedlings 🌱 already. Just too early to out them out yet.
I will take you along as I go and discover and tend to the garden 😊

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What a lovely adventure to go out and find what your garden has to offer after it has been hidden under the snow!

Surely a great adventure and even more so going for walks to explore in your forest!

Enjoy it, @littlebee4! Thank you for sharing this experience with us👍!

Yes it is… so exciting. Every day the snow melts a little bit more and we see more garden.
Found a whole terrace now. 😊 needs some relaying though.

Never had an own forest 🌳 can’t wait to get in there and see if it has hidden treasures.
Maybe i even build an cabin in there 😁

Will do, thank you so much @jacoalberts have a wonderful friday!

I like your idea of building a cabin in the forest! That would be awesome👍!

Happy new week, @littlebee4!!

It so will be 😊😎

Hope your week has been nice so far.
I have been busy in the garden.
Now the snow is gone (since 2 days fully) a lot of maintenance and cleaning up is needed in the garden. Last owners didn’t keep it nice.

Enjoy your weekend 👋🏻☀️🐝

We had to take an unexpected 6-hour journey to Johannesburg on Tuesday and we returned on Friday. So the majority of last week was spent on the road...

I'm glad you can now see what is going on in your garden. Now you can create/develop the garden the way you like it!

Have a great week, @littlebee4👍!

Thats a longggg journey.

Thank you, we can and it is great so far.
Been clearing up fallen down trees, building raised beds etc. will post about it soon 🤞🏻😊
Today we need to get more soil for filling the last 2 beds and end of the week the veggies 🌱🌱🌱 can go out.

Have a great week too 👋🏻

That sounds exciting! You must enjoy the process, @littlebee4👍!

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Wow your garden is so lovely! Can't wait to see more photos and read more stories as you explore more around the neighborhood. So good to live closer to nature. I wish we have more favorable weather too. An advance happy weekend...

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Thank you kindly 😎

Thank you so much. I am so excited to explore the garden once all the snow is gone.
I love living right in nature, surrounded by lakes and woods… mountains and valleys. My favourite place. Happy to share it all with you through my photos.
Have a wonderful weekend 👋🏻😊


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@ladiesofhive thank you so much 👋🏻😊

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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Thanks a lot 😊 I appreciate it 🐝

@littlebee4, you are most welcome!

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Much appreciated!


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Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much @ewkaw 😊 have a lovely day!

Lovely walk with amazing shots @littlebee4 friend!!!

!discovery shots

Thank you so much @jlinaresp much appreciated!
Have a wonderful day 👋🏻☀️

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Thank you kindly @discovery-it 👋🏻😎

So much fun exploring a new property. Finding what is under the snow. Planning what you want to add. btw I love Rhubarb. The classic is rhubarb and strawberry pie. We like breakfast cake with rhubarb too.

It sure is 😊
I have so many ideas, but they change… will see when all the snow is gone what to start first.
Yes, thats such a lovely combination.
Breakfast cake is my favourite or apple and rhubarb crumble 😋
Have a great wednesday 👋🏻

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Oh wow I have missed out on so much of your amazing, adventurous, exciting life over the past 6 months!
I am sooo sorry!

It looks like it will be an amazing place when the snow finally melts and life comes out from hibernation.

I must go back through your posts to find out where you are and what you've been doing!

So much happened in the last year. I had to move out of Scotland and ended up in Ireland.
I moved out of Ireland in february this year and it was a month long road trip to reach our next country of residence. I haven’t told yet where i am… as I am still sharing the road trip. (11 parts of it, next is part 7) But due to difficulties with the internet I cant upload long posts with lots of photos.
First city is an hour drive away also… think we are rather remote, just the way i like it. Uo a mountain surrounded by forests 🌳

It will be so much fun to explore the garden and forest, can’t wait.

Have a beautiful end of the week 👋🏻😊
Biggg !HUG

Oooh wow, I'm intrigued and so excited and happy for you!

I have had a massive day cleaning today because my flatmate and good friend of nearly 20 years did a runner on me, leaving me with unpaid rent, bills and a filthy bedroom and bathroom to clean and I have people coming to inspect over the next few days, so I did not get a chance to check out your previous episode so I will when it's quiet at work tomorrow night.

Thank you kindly dear @chocolatescorpi 😊

Oh no, so sorry to hear that. That’s just crazy. Especially after such a long time.
Rest up a bit and we talk soon ☀️
Have a wonderful weekend 👋🏻


Dear @chocolatescorpi, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @littlebee4.


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