
That's one thing I didn't add here. On the second night we went to the hard rock cafe and there was a family with a little baby sitting next to us and we were looking over laughing, and talking about Kaleb and bringing him over next summer.

Then, Aimee said I miss him, and I said me too, and kind of wished we'd brought him, especially after seeing other couples with children younger than him.

Aimee started crying then and had to go to the bathroom, and the rest of the night ended on a sombre tone. Personally, I think it was the alchohol that made the emotions a bit heightened.

We just wanted to go home then, but made the most of the following days. We're both looking forward to getting back to him though.

Awhh! I guess it was natural to miss him, what parent wouldn't. But I imagine the grandparents were loving the time to have Kaleb to themselves for a change 😉 and you know he was in safe and loving hands.