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RE: The last dark walk.

in Photography Lovers7 months ago

I'm so glad you and Marian had a good break, the pool photo may be fuzzy but that smile makes up for it, a well-deserved breakaway for the two of you.
That scorpion looks really nasty, I would not want to step on it for sure!
I look forward to reading about the caves, could see it in the distance in one of your photos.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend my friend, tons of blessings for you and Marian!


Now in all honesty Lady Lizzie, if it was not for your kind heart, we would not have had a break like this. All of our gratitude once again.
The scorpion was treated with respect, and I only nudged it with my shoe to get some reaction.
I will do the river walk with the caves in the new week, as another friend also wants to see the caves.
Back home safely now and we also wish you a happy weekend.
Blessings with some !PIZZA and lots of !LUV

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