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RE: About me.

in Photography Loverslast year (edited)

A very creative way to introduce yourself! Blockchain poets or Freewriters would be the best space to share more of your poetry or creative writing.

Anyways, Congratulations and Welcome to Hive @voiceless12! We want you to have an amazing journey here so reading this might help you out: How To Get A Great Start on the Hive Blockchain. You can also find resources for beginners like you in Newbies Guide.

By the way, you mentioned it was your sister who help you joined Hive? can you share to us her username? or perhaps tag her in this blog so that she will be notified that you have already made your first blog.

There are other amazing Communities that may resonate with your interests and connect you with people all over the world that share the same passion as yours but it's best to share your blogs in the appropriate/right communities. One last thing, be aware that Plagiarism and any form of abuse is considered a serious offense.

That's it for now! This is @indayclara from the @ocd team and we wish you all the best in your Hive journey.