Pomegranate flower photography

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello Photography Lovers friends, how are you all? I hope you are well by the grace of the Creator, I am also very well by your prayers and the grace of the Creator.

Dear friends, today I will share with you some photography of pomegranate flower and some information about pomegranate fruit, I hope you like it.




Pomegranate or vedana family's favorite fruit of all, my two sons love to eat pomegranate fruit, pomegranate scientific name Punica granatum and pomegranate fruit is called Promegranate in English.

The first pomegranate fruit spread from Iran and Iraq, now found in almost all countries of the world, the name of the pomegranate fruit varies from country to country and group, but this pomegranate fruit is very popular because of its rich taste and nutritional value.

Pomegranate fruit is rich in vitamins, including butylic acid, arsolic acid, and some alcoholic beverages, such as pseudoepithelium, pepterethrin, isoperethrin, methylperitherium, etc. These are used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine Is. Pomegranate fruit is used as medicine for various diseases. For this reason, according to Kabiraji, pomegranate fruit is said to be the best beneficial fruit for the heart.

Pomegranate fruit contains a lot of grains, not only this pomegranate is used but also everything from the roots of the pomegranate tree to the bark, peel of the pomegranate fruit is used as medicine, pomegranate flower is anti-hemorrhagic.

Many people think that eating pomegranate fruit increases blood in the body, in addition pomegranate contains a lot of natural insulin due to which pomegranate fruit is very effective in controlling diabetes, so pomegranate fruit is very beneficial for diabetics. Pomegranate flowers and leaves are very useful to stop bleeding.

Pomegranate peel can be preserved without peeling it, because pomegranate peel is very useful for diarrhea patients.




The roots of the pomegranate tree work well as an anthelmintic, the bark from the roots of the pomegranate tree is mixed with honey to make a kind of medicine, which is useful in treating stomach ailments in young children.


This nutritious pomegranate fruit we eat not only as a fruit, but the flowers, leaves, stalks, roots of the pomegranate tree are all used as medicine for various complex diseases. Need to know about, and need to eat more pomegranate fruit.

The pictures of pomegranate flower that I have shared with you are of our own pomegranate tree, we have this one pomegranate tree, this tree has a few pomegranates.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.