Same spot, different people

in Photography Lovers2 months ago

Hello beautiful Photography Lovers community, I hope you have a great start of the week, my best wishes to all of you.

A few days ago while I was doing street photography I had an interesting idea and decided to put it to the test to see what results I could get. My idea was basically to stand still on a very busy corner of the city and photograph people as they walked by...

My goal was to be able to photograph people in a place of passage, with their everyday clothes and being themselves, and so maybe you can see a glimpse of the people here in their normal day.

To achieve my goal I used my Canon RP camera with a zoom lens, this way I was far enough away from people so that they wouldn't notice I was photographing them and thus get a more vivid moment.

And as you can see in the photos there is variety of EVERYTHING, that's why I found it so interesting to show you this variety in one place.

When I was taking these photos I didn't know if I would share them with you or not, but when I saw all the photos together I found the result very interesting!!

And I don't know if you noticed but this gentleman was sitting in the same place all the time jajajaja

I hope you found this idea I had interesting and you liked the photos as much as I did.

Thanks for watching!



This is very interesting what you've done. It turns out that it's the methodology of many photographers. They sit in a place they've previously chosen for its special characteristics, according to what they want to achieve, and shoot everything that passes by. This work is like an investigation from which, of course, they choose the best shots.


That's really true!! some photographs once they found a good composition stay there and waits for the "Correct" person to pass by... my approach was different, i wanted to show variety in the same spot