The Art of Improv: Creating Stunning Portraits on the Fly

in Photography Lovers2 months ago

Hello beautiful Photography Lovers community, I hope you are having an excellent day!

A few days ago while I was taking pictures in one of the main squares of my city, I ran into a very good friend who is a model and since I had my camera with me at the time and was in the mood to take a lot of pictures, I decided to ask him if he would be interested in doing a spontaneous photo shoot and he said yes.

And the perfect combination for good photos arose, a photographer + a model and both willing to make good photos!

My friend, as a good model, is also passionate about fashion, so he is always very well dressed everywhere, he always wears very stylish clothes, so he is the perfect person to photograph spontaneously because he will always be well groomed.

In addition to that, he has a lot of self-confidence and knows how to pose in front of the camera, which made everything much easier and we got very good photos quickly...

The following photo is my favorite of all because I feel that his gaze stands out a lot and in terms of composition I used the lines in the background to guide all the attention towards the model:

Then I asked him to stand up for several photos and try other poses.

First I took a picture of him where you could see his whole body and then I got closer:

I varied the angle a bit:

And to finish my second favorite photo, I feel that close-ups favored him a lot because he has a very symmetrical and photogenic face.

As everything was very spontaneous and improvised, it was also very fast, we saw the photos we made and we ended super happy with the results!

I hope you like these photos as much as we do.

Thanks for watching!



These are great. He's got such a pirate style. The lighting in all of these is so good. Are you in the shade?

There were alot of clouds in the Sky so te light was really soft

That's awesome, you picked a great day for it.

i'm outside shooting almost every day!

A model indeed. @malos10

A good one

The evidence was clear. 😁 @malos10

Wow beautiful photography friend.

Thaks you really much!

Most welcome

Wow this man has truly amazing skin. I wonder what his skin care routine consists of. Beautiful images!

That's the Sking retouch I made in photoshop