What's in the move?

in Photography Lovers2 years ago (edited)

Can someone tell me, why is that we move?
Why do we travel?
What's with all comings and goings?
Why do we start to rot when we stay with no movement?

For as long as I remember, everything for me, happened after moving and taking a risk.
All the good memories and valuable experiences of mine has direct relation to moving.
If no move was taken, nothing could be remembered as worthy...

Though we have some sort of defensiveness and unwillingness towards moving.
There is a pain. An uneasy feeling...

A paradox perhaps...

How is it that when nothing has started, or just before the move, everything feels stressful?
But, right when you get into it, and your in the middle of the action, everything seem to be at place where they need to be?

9 days ago, I was packing all my stuff to get on the road. then, A nerve-racking feeling was in me. The people I was traveling with are the best people I know.
So logically speaking, there was no reason to be iffy or even having that feeling of flaking on the last minute. I was fully aware of that feeling, and thankfully didn't let it get a grasp on things or did I?!

But it was still there...

Like some stuff was being washed in my stomach. And apparently everyone had it in some level depending on the person and their ability to control the emotions.

Now, that I'm sitting here in my room, in my comfort zone, even though many challenging events took place on that trip, I'm very glad and happy that I pushed through with it. Awesome things did happen too.

And here's exactly where I get very curious about the senses and the states of mind I've had before, during, and right after the journey.

Whatever the reason maybe, the action, the movement, they are basics to meaning of our existence, in my opinion. For things to happen, things to move. Action must be taken... 🖤


I'll blog about all of the trip soon, I'll just have to finish up a thing and I'll be back after 2 weeks. 🙂

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Thank you for taking the time and reading my post.
Peace! 💚
