Nature green │ Daily and Fresh 📷 (10/366)

in Photography Lovers4 years ago (edited)


I had days away from photography, many unexpected events and yesterday I was at a birthday party, an unusual birthday because of the quarantine and because I didn't have the opportunity to buy a cake. However, it was a nice day when many people remembered me, and that in itself is a gift.

Today I am resuming the dynamics of Daily and Fresh, with the firm purpose of not getting so far between one publication and another.

Daily and Fresh is a great dynamic in which you publish a new photograph every day for 365 days or how you manage to do it.


Nature is always a cause for admiration. The green of the leaves, especially when the rain stops, fascinates me.

I had the opportunity to take these pictures of the "cashier" lemon tree (that's the name) that is in the neighbouring patio and overlooks my terrace. I show them to you now, I hope you like them.

Lemon cajero is a hybrid fruit that looks like a lemon, is acidic but also has the taste of an orange.


Thanks to my friend @gamer00 for this fabulous dynamism. Don't forget to visit his great blog.

Until the next issue, photography lovers...


Original content by @marybellrg.


Thank you for taking the time for this reading.




All the photographs are my property.

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Que hermosura de verde, esos limones se ven buenísimos, grandes y con mucho líquido adentro @marybellrg, que tal el día después del cumpleaños.

Y son deliciosos en una rica limonada que refresca, mi bella. La naturaleza siempre nos regala cosas hermosas. Gracias por visitarme y apoyar, te quiero inmensamente, mi @sacra97.

Los espacios unidos de RadioHive apoyan tu publicación y te animan a seguir publicando contenido de calidad.

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¡Vamos por más !

¡¡¡Te esperamos!!!

Muchisimas gracias por el apoyo, mi querido equipo @laradio. Un abrazote!...

Excelente publicación

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