The Colourful Castle on Top of the Mountain

in Photography Lovers2 years ago (edited)

Hello my fellow Hiveian, hope you are doing great in the crazy times.

Today, I'm sharing some photos I kinda discovered in this last couple days.

I was organising my LightRoom Catalog. Something I was never very efficient at, but now I think I'm good to go. I finish a course on the Library Model of the program and I must say, It's pretty cool.

It has a lot of many helpfull and cool features. I used to focus on the develop model... and now, I'm even using the web version of it... So useful. Still need to find a way, to share directly from Lightroom web to Hive directly, so far the type of link seems not to be connected.

If you know how to do it, please let me know.

But all of this, to say: As I was organising all my photos, I saw some nice ones that I had left behind .(Now I've also developed my workflow, so that it does not happen again)

But I'm exited to show these "Lost Tapes" kinda photos. From a photo shoot I had previously exported the other ones.

So, after all of this talk, here are the photos of this incredible place.

Isn't this a photo worth sharing?

This is right on top of a mountain, don't know, how above sea level it is, but you can check it out here:

Let+s go up the stairs:

And the view form up there, you can see we're basically in the clouds heheh:

Goin down teh Stairs:

The main thing here is a chapel/ convent. Sadly empty for as long as I can remember. But can you imagine, building this, in the middle of nowhere, with no machines... Nit to mention is an incredibly windy place, even at sea level.

And it's built around stones as well:

To the left of the main building, the castle looking Chapel, we have another small church... More advanced as far as ruins are concerned.

Here is that same church from another angle: (this next one, it's not a new discovery. I had exported it prior and all. But I like it, and I'ms haring it here)

And another angle:

And I'll end with this one:

Pretty cool, to discover all this photos, I think. All but 2 here where not on my radar. And there is another one, I just can't upload I don't know why... I keep making the size smaller, but nada.

And, I'm re+editing the post because there was another one who did not upload to hive... so two missing, but still some cool photos, I think. Maybe some tother time.

But what do you think? Like the place? Like the photos?

And please, If you know how to share from Lightroom Web, directly to Hive, let me know.

Have a great day!


It is amazing photography of Nature. Camera result is very clear and photography skills are amazing. I think you are a professional photographer. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos. Keep sharing and stay Blessed.

Thank you very much for your kind words. And I plan on keep sharing a lot more. Stay Blessed as well.

They are impressive photos of a place that looks paradisiacal and abandoned. You have good editing skills, which gives a high definition to each image. Truly, each one is worthy of enjoyment.

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Thank you so much!! Really Appreciate it! What a great compliment to my photos.

Looks amazing, buddy! Do you remember where you took these pictures?



Yes, I know exactly where it is. It's in Sintra. Serra de Sintra. The name is "Peninha" (Not sure it's the official name, but I think it is. )

And thank you for the re blog as well.

Ah, it's Sintra. Heard people talk about the place but I still haven't visited :^)

It's a must visit. One of my favourite areas in Portugal.

These are some excellent shots! That castle looks super cool! Great post!

Thank you, appreciate it!

You're very welcome!


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