Mushroom Photography challenge

Hello Photography Lovers,

This Thursday plan to camping in forest and stayed two days in forest. I capture mushroom photo and also identified. Mushrooms is related to fungi family, it's full of nutrients and also good for digest.

Devil's snuff-box mushroom
Devil's snuff-box mushroom.jpg

Polytrichum Plant Photography
Polytrichum Plant.jpg

Mycena strobilicola Photography
Mycena strobilicola.jpg

Poision Mashroom
Poision Mashroom.jpg

Bright Red Cap Mushroom
Bright Red Cap Mushroom.jpg

Porcini Mushroom

Calocera viscosa Mushroom

Calocera viscosa Mushroom.jpg


MobileOnePlus 8 Pro
Camera48 MP

Hope to post frequently.
Enjoy the beautiful Nature.
Have a Nice day.


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Nice variety of mushrooms!

Thank you i am very happy because you like it.

These mushrooms are so colourful and vibrant.
I have never seen such a wide variety of beautiful mushrooms.
Each of them has their own kind of beauty to reflect just like we human.
Truely amazing.