Downtown SD in October

Greetings friends, I attended a meetup at a local crypto company here in San Diego- Edge- and snapped some photos of the short walk I take when I park further away. I always enjoy this walk. I love Downtown and hopefully within a year I can try and move down here at least for a year or 2.. lets get walking

Truly an amazing City

This is behind one of the city buildings, I love the jungle vibes it give off

If I get to the area a little ahead of time, I like to go check out the harbor for a few minutes- I should come on an off day and spend more time here- like this man

How specially unique downtown San Diego is with it's harbor for huge ships to enter

Something was happening at the courthouse..

Now for some beautiful city scapes

A beautiful blend of newer and older buildings with the palm trees


Shout out Portal Coffee

and last but not least- the Office dog- waiting for people to drop pizza crumbs on the floor. I love him

And that's all folks - I should really schedule a future weekend day soon- to just walk around Downtown more and take photos- can't believe I've lived here almost 4 years now and haven't done it..

Anywho- thanks for stopping by

Much love



The extraordinary beauty of the city..