Sunset and Sunrise Lake View

in Photography Lovers β€’ 11 months ago

Hey guys,

Today was our last day of vacation. After 3.5 weeks, we're finally on our way back home. Literally right now. It's a 9 hour drive. 😁

A place where I can go..
Someone take me home.

This was just a part of a song I use to hear often. It just came to my mind when I wrote the "home" word.

We had a relaxing time away from home, here in Romania. We visited some areas around Brasov and then we came to Constanta, where the Black Sea is located.
So we've had a lovely time both at the mountain and sea.
But no matter the places we have seen and good company we've had, now its time to go home.

There's no place like home, they say...

And it's kind of true. 🏠❀️


Constanta is located in the Eastern part of Romania, at the shores of Black Sea.
Along with Tulcea county, these two are part of what we call, Dobrogea area.
Here is also the Danube Delta, river deposits, lakes, harbors and running waters.

My photos are taken in two different locations.

Sunset Photos are taken over Techirghiol Lake, from the main highway.

Sunrise photos are taken over Siutghiol Lake, taken from Ovidiu (a city a few km away from Constanta).

I hope you'll enjoy my photos. I personally am a fan of sunrise/sunset photography.


Sunrise Photography

Yesterday was a hectic day.
I barely sleep. Why? One word.


At 6.30 I was up. Basically, my son is the reason why I took these Sunrise Photos.
Else...bye bye Sunrise. NOPE. I wouldnt wake up for a sunrise. Not in this period of my life. I sleep too little. My son wakes up early in the morning so when I have the chance to sleep in, count me in. πŸ’―

I took these golden photos at sunrise, around 7 o'clock.
In the landacape, you can see Siutghiol Lake, in Constanta.

You can see some seagulls in some photos. There were a few men fishing too.



















Sunset Photography

These photos are also taken yesterday. We went to another sea resort, called Neptun. There's a little Aventura Park for children and we took Caleb to have a little fun.

On our way back, there was already sunset.
And happilly, I managed to take these beautiful photos somewhere in Eforie.
The Lake is called Techirghiol.













I was pretty excited yesterday because I cought on camera both a sunrise and a sunset.

I can't decide though if I have a favorite...somehow I tend to say the sunset photos are more beautiful but than I take another look to the other ones and neah. I just can't.
Do you have a fovorite? πŸŒ…πŸŒ„πŸŒž

Sunrise or sunset? πŸ’›πŸ§‘πŸ€Ž


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Your vacation journey reads like a poetic adventure from dawn to dusk! The tranquility of returning home after a fulfilling 3.5 weeks away resonates deeply. Your song reference about "home" beautifully encapsulates the emotions attached to the place we hold dear. Romania's varied landscapes, from the mountainous regions around Brasov to the captivating Black Sea in Constanta, paint a vivid backdrop for your journey.

The images you've shared are truly breathtaking. The sunrise photos over Siutghiol Lake, painted with golden hues and the presence of seagulls, evoke a sense of serenity. It's heartwarming to hear that your son was the reason you captured these moments; the motivation of family often leads to the most cherished memories.

The sunset photos, taken in Neptun and Eforie, are equally mesmerizing. The changing colors of the sky mirrored in the Techirghiol Lake create an enchanting scene that's hard to choose between sunrise and sunset.

Your dedication to capturing these fleeting moments, despite the early hours and the desire for sleep, is commendable. It's this passion that often leads to the most spectacular results. It's challenging to pick a favorite between the two, as each carries its unique charm – sunrise symbolizing new beginnings and sunset representing a peaceful conclusion. Both evoke emotions that are equally captivating.

Thank you @missdeli for sharing your visual journey and the story behind it. Your post captures the essence of finding beauty in the simple yet profound moments of life. πŸŒ…πŸ“Έ

Wow. What an impressive description. Thank you, appreciate your time and for stopping by.

It is a beautiful sunset and the way it is reflected in the lake makes it so perfect.

Sorry for this late reply. I'm glad you enjoyed these photos, I do think that reflection in the lake makes the whole picture. Wouldnt be the same wothout it. πŸ’“

Awesome photoshoots..but I should I love the view of the sunset more ☺️

Yup, same here. πŸ˜† πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Wow, you captured the sunset and sunrise beautifully. It reminds me that every sunset there's always hope to rise (sunrise).❀️

Ooo how beautiful you said it. So true πŸ’“πŸ’“

Incredible sunset pictures were very cool

Thank you.

Looking at the photos, it seemed as if someone had written a romantic poem on the golden chest of the sky, that too with pink colour. The photos are beautiful, absolutely wonderful as if gold has been melted and poured into the sky.

Your words are so beautifully written. Made me love these photos even more. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Some photos are like this, they take you across the rainbow.

Yeah, true. πŸ’“πŸ’“