Cosplay outside the Calgary Comic Expo

Walking around outside the Calgary Comic Expo is a great way to catch cosplayers ready to pose and assuming the weather is good you can even come down without a ticket if you plan on staying outside. That's what I did for this set after a few days enjoying the inside of the event I decided a day just hanging around outside looking for photo ops would really add to the experience. More room to catch people away form the crowd seems to help everyone be more relaxed and ready to really show off as many times I don't even have to ask people are already putting on a show.

Nikon D750 1/400 sec. f/4.5 ISO-125 at 86mm

Nikon D750 1/500 sec. f/4.5 ISO-100 at 40mm

Nikon D750 1/500 sec. f/4.5 ISO-100 at 24mm

Nikon D750 1/500 sec. f/4.5 ISO-100 at 27mm

Nikon D750 1/500 sec. f/6.3 ISO-100 at 40mm


Wow, great bro 🙋👍

We have one here in my city as well. I go just to take pictures of the costumes when I can.

Must have been a fun event :)