Flowers, Insects and Spiders Macro

As I wait for warmer weather and some chances for getting some nature macros here is a selection of shots taken with the Nikon 60mm f/2.8 macro lens.

Bug curls up inside a flower. Collecting pollen ro simply collecting some sleep?
D750 1/250 sec. f/11 ISO-100 at 60mm

Yellow flower close up.
D750 1/200 sec. f/22 ISO-100 at 60mm

Spider hanging from a thread.
D750 1/80 sec. f/7.1 ISO-100 at 60mm

Little bug reaches the apex of the flower petal it was climbing.
D750 1/200 sec. f/5.6 ISO-100 at 60mm

I keep meaing to learn what type of flower this is, really neat inner structure.
D750 1/200 sec. f/5.6 ISO-100 at 60mm


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How great that you can capture such a tiny but impressive world.

Beautiful stuff