Macro Yellow Flower

There are times when, if you want to really get to know your subject, you need to get up close and personal. I found these types of yellow flowers to be a bit tricky and difficult, but well worth exploring in different ways. Yellow is one of the harder colors to expose and get different gradients of the color to show without washing out, and due to the odd shape, its somewhat weird to find the right angles. I was fascinated by the center and how it goes into a void in the middle. There is some green that turns yellow, and I wasn't sure if this was in full bloom or if the green would eventually be completely gone. The little cylinder-like structures in the middle were also something I tried to focus on more.







Wonderful macro shots with vibrant yellows. I think this one is my favourite because of the whirling petals in the center


Thank you. For this one, I think there is a bit more sharpness in that area, so I feel like it turned out nice.

What I love most about macro photography is appreciating those details that go unnoticed to the naked eye. Beautiful pictures!

Thank you
That is so very true, trying to uncover those mysteries that we dont usually see is what keeps me going back for more.