Water Drops on Tulips Macro Photography

I find even a few water drops can really make something stand out when shooting close-ups and macro. It can also help with focus, as I find its another part of the image that can serve as a reference when trying to get something sharp. These tulips likely would have looked a but more ordinary or plain if there weren't any water drops on them. This was a few hours after a light shower, so I was in the right place at the right time, catching some of the aftermath.

Nikon D750 1/100 sec. f/10 ISO-100 at 105mm

Nikon D750 1/100 sec. f/10 ISO-100 at 105mm

Nikon D750 1/100 sec. f/8 ISO-100 at 105mm


I totally agree with what you talked about, water droplets can make panoramas more beautiful in macro photography. Good shot and I liked it.

Thank you. I like how water is such a simple ingredient to add and it can have such a big effect on making things stand out more.

I agree, some water drops can make the difference. Nice shots.

Thanks so much, Im always happy to find water drops when im looking for interesting shots.

If only you could catch a glimpse of the sun in these drops... It would be absolutely super.

For sure that would add a nice touch

Nice pictures of tulips, I like it

it's unique how my duida can recreate such details on a single flower