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RE: Hive Stock Images - Macro photographs of my cactus garden, You can use these photos for free.

Yes, we never stop to think but animal life is wild, violent, and many times senseless, today I was reading an article in which it mentions that domestic cats are killing hundreds of species just to play, because in the end they don't eat everything they kill, there is a lot of vandalism as you mention.


Yes... When we let a captured animal go, the narrative is always about happiness... True but at the same time dying kids and death of starvation are usual traits of nature.

At least, animals don't think about these things like we people do.

Scientists saved two baby seals recently in the city I live. And then they wanted the seals go back into the Baltic Sea but the seals refused 😄 One of them has agoraphobia, as a TV news presenter said in the video, and likes eating red fish (salmon).